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Skye's POV
I woke up to the sun gleaming into my room from my window.
Today is the day I turn 17, July 24th.
I got out of bed and headed straight to the bathroom to do my morning routine; shower, brush my teeth, facial routine, do my hair, pick out clothes, then makeup. After about 2 hours, I walked out the bathroom to see a huge gift bag on my bed. It has to be from Omar.
Omar is my older brother I live with, his mom adopted me when I was 3. Omar is 23 now so he moved us out from Florida to Houston. We go to visit our mom from time to time though.
He came out here to start his rap career, he goes by the stage name Smokepurpp but I still call him Omar.
Opening the bag, there was another bag inside but smaller- same thing with that bag.
It was a cycle until it came down to a tiny box.
I opened it to see a silver heart-lock necklace with diamonds carved into it. I opened the lock to see a picture of me with my real parents on one side and a picture of Omar, our mom, and I on the other side.
I couldn't help but cry. I wish I got to know my parents better.
"Ahh stop being a baby" I heard Omar say from my room door. I walked up to him and hugged him like it was my last time.
"Thank you, it's beautiful" I said letting him go and wiping my tears.
"I have another surprise, happy birthday Skyeeeeee" he cheesed hard as he pulled out 3 tickets... to his concert
I'm confused as fuck.
"Why are you giving me tickets? I get in to all your concerts free"
"But this isn't just some normal concert I can let you go in, even I need a ticket to get in. It's gonna be a whole bunch of other people performing" he explained
"Well thanks I guess. Who's the third ticket for?" I asked.
There's only two of us so I don't know why he got three.
I jumped at the yelling coming from downstairs. Was that who I thought it was?
"You're serious?" I asked Omar excited.
He shrugged his shoulders smirking as I rushed down the stairs.
I was face to face with Lil Pump
Lil Pump is Omar's bestfriend but he's never let me meet him because he knows I think he's gorgeous and he also knows how Lil Pump is to girls. I've always told him that Lil Pump will never do anything to his bestfriends' sister but of course he didn't care. Plus we're the same age now.
"You must be the little sister, happy birthday" he said giving me a friendly hug and then handing me a stack of money.
"Thank you so much, but I can't take this money. It's too much" I said trying to give it back to him. He put the money back in my hand and balled my fingers up around it.
"I have more money than I can handle, it's no problem." Then he smiled at me
Mierda, that smile 😍
"Ahem, uh GG this is my sister Skye. Skye, you already know who this is" Omar interrupted realizing what was going on.
GG? Why'd he call him that?
"Nice to meet you Skye" he said smiling once again and then turning to Omar. "So, Purpp, when we headed out?"
"Well my performance starts in a few hours, your show start later on tonight. Then we'll do one together after yours. I'm finna head out tho, got a sound check. So I'll see yo bitch ass later." He dapped GG up then turned to me.
"Can I trust you alone with him?" He whispered to me.
I quickly nodded, of course he can. Not like I'm gonna let him fuck me just because I kinda got a fangirl crush on him. It's no big deal.
"Alright, I'll see you later" Omar hugged and kissed my forehead goodbye then gave Lil Pump a look before walking out the door.
"You been out here with Omar since he moved down here?" Lil Pump asked me as he plopped down on the couch.
"Yea" I shyly responded.
"He ain't never told me he had a sister. But you ain't gotta be shy, come here" He patted the seat next to him on the couch
I slowly walked there and sat down.
"So how old are you turning today?" He asked me.
"Ohh, ima be 18 next month"
"That's cool, so what are you gonna do for your birthday?" I asked him.
"I wanna go to the strip club and fuck every bitch in there" he said bluntly.
"You begging for an STD" I said laughing a little.
"Nah I know which hoes got the disease and I know which hoes don't."
Seems like he's the hoe 🤦🏽‍♀️
We sat there in silence for a minute, then he started talking again.
"You ever listened to my music?" He asked me
"Uh yea, all the time."
"So you a fan?"
"I guess you can say that" I said smiling a little
"Ouu, my bestfriend lil sister is a fan. ESSSSKK-" I quickly covered his mouth with my hand.
"Nuh uh. I get you yelling that when Omar is here but when he not, you gon have to cut that shit out"
He put his hands up in surrender and raised his eyebrows.
We talked for about another 2 hours, he's a pretty good listener for a person that screams 24/7.
He told me to call him GG but he won't tell me what it stands for. We also went over the reason why I'm just now meeting him.
"Purpp told me he ain't want me fucking his sister so I never came over while you were here. I wouldn't do that though, he like my brother." He explained
"Yea, he told me you came over a few times and I got mad" I said laughing.
"Yo fangirling ass" he laughed along with me.
He knows I have a lil fangirl crush on him.
Then my phone lit up from the corner of my eye
Incoming call from Omar 💜
I picked it up and pressed the answer button.
"Wasgood" I answered
"Tell GG come on, he go onstage in like an hour and he not answering the phone. What y'all doing?"
"Nothing, we just sat here talking"
"That nigga ain't try to touch you?"
"He's not a pedophile Omar, we just talked. Promise" he thinks so low of him.
But again, I can't blame him.
"Ok.. well tell him hurry the fuck up. You too, ride with him"
GG looked at me while I hung the phone up
"You go onstage in an hour, he said hurry the fuck up and I'm riding with you"
He looked that the time on his phone and jumped up.
"Fuck! I'm late." He said getting his shit together. "Fue mi culpa" he said under his breath
"Relax, you'll be fine. Just come on" I said as I headed towards the door with my keys and the tickets.
I never thought Lil Pump would actually be cool people, he seems different around everybody else though...

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