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Next day
Omar's POV
After everything that I was told last night, I knew I couldn't trust Pump around my sister. My biggest mistake was leaving them alone.
I should've known something was going to happen knowing how he is and knowing that Skye is a big fan.
To be honest, I don't care who she's with. I just don't want anyone to hurt her.
Pump is my best friend, I never had a friend like him. I didn't want that being affected because he can't keep his dick in his pants.
If he was the type to actually get serious and hold a girl down, I'm pretty sure this wouldn't have been a big issue.
But he's not. All he looks for in women is pleasure.
I do feel bad for ruining Skye's birthday, so I decided that i'm gonna set up a little movie theatre at this park we used to visit when we first moved down here. She can invite all her friends and I'll play all her favorite movies on a projector.
I already called my manager to set something up so while she's handling that, I'm going back to my house to apologize to her.
Walking through the door, I saw Pump in the kitchen trying to make breakfast.
"Dude, what are you doing?"
He didn't answer. I guess he's still mad.
Of course i'm still mad at him but I don't need him burning this house down.
I walked over there and lowered the heat on the stove and showed him how to crack an egg without getting shells inside.
He was a hoodrat as a child and his mom neglected him. He didn't have a father figure so he wasn't taught things like this, nor how to treat a woman. I was the only one there for him, teaching him things he needs to know being a man. Then again, he's still a child and I'm the adult.
"Thanks" He mumbled looking at the eggs being cooked.
"Look bro, I'm sorry about last night. You know how I feel about my si-"
"No, you don't need to apologize. I crossed the line you clearly drew. So I'm sorry, I'll try to make it up to you, the both of y'all." He said cutting me off still looking down.
"I appreciate it, no offense to you but you don't know any better. I was supposed to teach you how to be a man, not to do anything and just stay away from certain people. You know I love you like you my lil bro, and you did cross the line but I should've taught you better."
He looked up at me, some emotion in his eyes I've never seen before.
"Thank you for being there Omar, not to get all bitch-like but I don't know what I would have done without you" He said hugging me.
"Of course GG, you know I got you forever bro"
These are the moments I always cherished with him.
He may have fucked up, but he still has a lot to learn and experience so I can't stay mad at him. He's never had a real relationship, a real passionate kiss, or actually made love. Him coming from a broken home, I can't blame him for acting out. I just really have to teach him better.
"Is Skye still sleep?" I asked, letting him go.
"Pretty sure, she would've been came down here if she smelled me cooking the bacon"
I looked over at the semi-burned bacon and chuckled.
"Better check on those eggs bro"
He laughed and turned back to the stove while I went upstairs to Skye's room.
Then I lightly knocked.
"Skye? You up?"
I heard shuffling on the other side of the door and after a few seconds, the door opened.
She was still in her pajamas and her hair looked a mess, and she looked like she'd been crying.
"Were you crying?" I asked her letting myself in and closing the door.
"Why does it matter?" she asked sitting back on the bed.
"Skye, I'm sorry for spazzing out on you like that. You know I only got mad cuz I ain't want him hurting you. And I get that you can make your own decisions now but you're still my lil sister and I'm your legal guardian, I just want the best for you."
She didn't say anything, just sat there and looked at me.
"If y'all really like each other then that's none of my business, just if he hurts you don't be surprised if he gets hurt" I gave her a small smile and she returned it.
"I have something planned for you later on tonight so tell all your friends to come to Herman Park around 8" I said then I walked out the room.
I can't believe I just gave her permission to fuck my best friend.
"Aye Pump" I said walking into the kitchen. He surprisingly didn't burn the eggs.
"Uh, I just talked to Skye and I, um, told her that I don't mind if y'all got something going on. Just don't hurt her, please"
He looked at me shocked and then looked back down.
"Nah bro, I'll keep my distance. Not using it against you but like you said, I don't know any better. I don't wanna hurt her either so I'll keep my distance" he said with a slight smile.
I sighed and sat down at the table.
"Wow, you're learning nigga" I said chuckling.
"I guess I am" he said handing me a plate.
I never would've thought he would decline that. He must really be aware of his ways and care about my feelings.
Or Skye's...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2019 ⏰

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