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Skye's POV
GG knocked out in my bed for about 2 hours as I continued to watch On My Block until it was time to leave. My brother is taking me out to a strip club tonight to end my birthday.
My day has been great so far.
I met Lil Pump and got good dick from him on the same day, ain't that something?
"You bringing somebody back tonight?" Omar asked him.
"Not in the mood"
"Come on bro, them twins from instagram I told you about gon be there. I'm tryna finesse, you gotta finesse with me nigga; they twins."
"I said I'm not in the mood. I'll come but I'm not 'finessing' nobody"
He's still pissed.
"I'm sorry ight, G? I know how you are and I just don't want you breaking her heart or using her"
Pump just laughed, not in a good way.
"You think that low of me? You think I'll betray you and use her in that way? That's crazy, I would never think of you in that way. If you did end up fucking my sister, I'd believe it's cuz you wanna settle down and you're the same way I am."
What's that supposed to mean? Does he wanna..
"Okay, I know. I'm sorry bro, I'm overprotective. You know that"
"Can we not do this on my birthday?" I said butting in.
They both looked at me then Omar started to head for the door.
"We leaving at 9" He closed the door then I looked at Pump.
"I'm sorry 'bout that"
"Nah, it's cool. I ain't finna let all these bad vibes ruin your birthday though. Ima go get ready" He said finally getting up.
"Alright, see ya later"
He gave me a small smile then walked out, closing the door behind him.
I grabbed a towel to take a shower and walked in the bathroom.
I have 3 hours to get ready.
While I was washing myself, I heard my bathroom door open. I peeped my head out the shower curtain to see Pump fixing his hair in the mirror.
"You know there are 3 other bathrooms in this house. And Omar is here, what're you doing?" I said closing the curtain and continuing to wash myself.
"Well I chose this one and he's not here. Didn't we take a shower earlier? Why you taking another one?" he said looking in the shower. I pushed his head out.
"I wanna take another one. Hand me my towel" I turned the water off and wrapped the towel GG gave me around my body.
As I stepped out the shower, he just stared at me.
"Stop staring stranger" I said leaving the bathroom and into my room.
"Damn, I forgot we just met today. We talked about so much earlier it feel like we knew each other longer. But I wanna get to know you more" he left the bathroom behind me and sat on my bed.
"Oh, I think you got know me enough for today. Why though?"
"Why not?" he looked at me, waiting for a response.
"Well I can't just tell you about me, you're gonna have to learn" I sat on the bed next to him.
"So spend more time with you? Bet, I'm cool with that" I laughed at him and nodded my head.
"I guess so, gonna have to tell Omar something so he won't get suspicious"
"He's never seen me have a friend that's a girl that I haven't fucked over so I'm pretty sure he'll get suspicious either way. But I ain't gon fuck you over so we good" he said smiling at me again.
"We should at least tell him something though, that'll keep him calmer than not telling him anything at all"
"Okay, let's wait a few days and just tell him we became best friends or some shit like that. That way he won't get suspicious when we with each other and always assume we fucking."
"That's good, but will we be fucking?"
"I mean, I don't see why not" he rested his hand on my ass and kissed me.
We kissed for 30 seconds then I pulled back.
"I gotta finish getting ready, I only have 2 hours left" I said getting up and walking to my closet to get clothes.
"I'll be downstairs" he said before walking out the room.
I put on some black tights I cut into shorts and a black tank top. Then I put my hair in a bun. I did my eyebrows and put on lashes. Super simple.
What ima wear to a strip club?
I put on some black sandals and walked out the door and down the stairs.
"That's it?" I heard Omar say. I guess he's back.
I flicked him off and looked for Pump. He wasn't in the living room.
"Where's Pump?" I asked walking into the kitchen where Omar was.
"Why you worried?"
"Just wondering.. he's going with us right?"
"So where is he? It's 8"
"And we leave in an hour, so why are you worried?" he said.
He's really starting to annoy me. I rolled my eyes and tried to walked away until he grabbed my arm.
"Did he try and push himself on you?" he asked me.
"For Chrissakes. No, he didn't try and push himself on me. He's just tryna be my friend, plus it's my birthday. Who wouldn't be nice to me on my birthday?"
"Maybe he's being nice to get into your pants"
"That's just sad, Omar. Isn't he your best friend?" I said defending Pump's honor.
"Yes, but I know how he i-" I cut him off
"Don't even start with that. That is your best friend. Don't matter how you know he is, you should trust him with shit like this"
"I know but I can't trust him"
"If you can't trust me then we can't fuck with each other no more bro. Simple" Pump said walking down the stairs with his Gucci backpack which I'm guessing had his things in it.
"G, I-" Omar tried to say before getting cut off.
"Nah fam, I'm sick of you talking about me in that way. I'm yo bro, I told you I wouldn't do that unless it was for one reason. But since we being honest, ima just come out wit it; I fucked her."
Why the fuck would he say that?
sorry i haven't updated , pretty busy summer lmao

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