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Lil Pump's POV
I just be fucking around with females but Purpp be taking me serious. But he's the only one who stuck around and stayed real with me from the beginning, I don't wanna ruin that just because I wanna fuck Skye.
"Can you stop staring at my sister nigga?" Purpp said knocking me out of my thoughts.
She glanced at me then continued to eat.
"My bad bro, I was thinking about something" I picked up a crab leg and started to eat it.
"Mm, we all know she likes you so stop giving her those looks" he said loud enough for only me to hear.
"Bitch, what looks? I'm just looking"
"Them stares, and those signalized looks you be giving her. I know what they mean, I'm not stupid" He on some shit.
"There are no signalized looks bro, you just trippin'."
"Nah, you trippin. I know you GG and I know you wanna fuck my sister but it ain't gon work that way wit her. The only way you gon ever be able to do that is if you settle down and don't break her heart, so stop leading her on" He actually seemed mad.
"Alright bro whatever" I continued to eat while I sat there and thought about actually settling down for once.
That'll be some weird as shit.
I remember in my last relationship, she cheated on me. Main reason I don't trust being in one now.
I really loved that girl and she chewed my heart up and spit it out.
Everybody some hoes to me now.
"You okay?" Skye asked me 
"Yea I'm gucci. Why?"
"You zoned out again"
"You good bro?" Purpp asked me patting my back.
"Yea, y'all ready to head back?"
"Please, I'm so fucking sleepy" Skye said.
I'll put you to sleep.
"You didn't do anything today" Omar told her getting his shit together.
"I was up and out instead of inside and chilling, I did enough"
Skye's POV
~back at home~
"Aye Pump, wanna invite some hoes over?" my brother asked him.
"Nah, i'm gucci"
GG has been in a weird mood ever since the show.
"Okaaaaaaaaay, well i'm finna go to Chris crib. I think he told me he gotta few broads over there" Omar got his keys along his phone and walked to me.
"Don't let him do anything to you" He whispered then hugged me.
"He won't, but yes sir"
He told Pump bye and whispered something in his ear, then walked out the door. As soon as the door shut, Pump started to turn red.
I sat next to him and looked at him concerned.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"He's been acting like I can't hear! I hear everything he says! He's treating me like i'm a pedophile or something!" he got up and gripped his dreads. I quickly got up and grabbed his hand from out of his hair.
"He's just looking out for me, calm down. I tell him each time that you aren't that type of person"
"But what if I am?"
"What do you mean?"
Before I even knew it, his lips landed on mines. He instantly pulled back.
"Fuck, i'm not supposed to be doing this" he said putting his hand on his forehead in guilt.
You know what? Who I kiss or have sex with is not my brothers choice. It's mines.
"He doesn't have to know" I said pulling his hand down and pulling his face back towards mines, locking lips with him.
He eventually gave in and picked me up, putting me on the couch.
I moaned in his mouth as I felt him getting harder and harder against me.
"You know this ain't right" he told me between kisses.
"Who cares?" I reached down for his gucci belt and took it off. He stood up and took his pants and shirt off while I did the same, then he came back down to me and put me on top.
I started to grind on him while he gripped my ass in his hands.
He pulled back and started to kiss on my neck, giving me butterflies in my stomach. He lightly sat me back and his kisses trailed down to my panty line.
"You sure you wanna do this?" he asked.
I nodded, then he pulled my panties off with his teeth.
He spread my legs, looked at my waterfall, then dug in.
He gave me the best head I've ever gotten because I'm shaking at the moment and I can't control it. He had to put his fingers in my mouth to shut me up.
After about 50 seconds, I came all in his mouth. He slurped me clean and positioned himself to go in me.
"Ima ask you again, are you sure?" he asked in a serious tone.
"Yes just put it in already"
He laughed and did as I said.
We went about 3 rounds until we decided to call it quits. Last round was in the shower.
We washed each other up then got out to put our clothes on.
"Don't tell him please" Pump said while I was putting lotion on.
"I won't, I already told you this"
"I know but just don't do anything that'll give him any idea that it happened. I don't wanna lose the only person who stayed through it all cuz I did the opposite of what he wanted me to do" He sat on the bed next to me after he finished getting dressed.
I ran my hands through his dreads 
"I won't, promise" I held my pinky finger out and he laughed at me.
"Ole childish ass" he locked pinkies with me.
"Uhh, we still just friends right?" he asked.
Wow, that kinda hurt.
"Um, yea I guess"
He nodded in assurance then layed back on the bed.
We sat there and watched On My Block until there was banging on my door.
Fuck, I forgot he locked the door just incase.
I hurried and unlocked it and Omar stormed in straight for Pump.
"Yo what the fuck you up in here wit my sister wit the door locked for!?"
"Chill bro, we ain't do nothing!" GG yelled back.
"Omar! Calm down, I accidentally locked the door and we both didn't feel like getting up to unlock it. I'm sorry, force of habit." I said getting between him and GG.
He sighed and hugged me.
"Nah, i'm sorry. I guess i'm just worried"
"What? That ima rape her?" Pump said sitting back on the bed. He was clearly pissed.
"I ain't mean it like that bro" Omar went up to him and tried to dap his hand but Pump just looked at it and continued looking at the paused screen on the TV.
"I'll let him cool down then I'll come back. Don't lock this door" he said as he walked out.
I sat down on the bed.
"You ok?"
"I guess, can you unpause it?"
I reached over and grabbed the remote off of my nightstand and unpaused the series.
He'll most likely sleep his anger away, but he'll be sleeping in my bed so who cares? 🤷🏽‍♀️

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