Chapter One

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(There might be a bit of crude language, so beware)

"Yui! Is it true you're moving?!" Aki, one of Yui's friends asked.

"Yeah," Yui answers.

"Hi Yui~" one of the girls from Yuichi's school giggled and waved, along with the rest of her friends.

Yui, as usual, did his million dollar smile and wink, causing the girls to swoon and squeal. Chokichi, Yui's other friend, rolled his eyes.

"Eh baka, what happened to Ai from Kamaishi?" He asked.

"Oh her? I dumped her," Yui shrugged nonchalantly.

"Eh?! That fast?! You guys dated for one week!"

"Exactly, she wasn't my type," Yui sighed.

Yui was a player, he never took his relationships seriously and was always jumping from one girl to the next. It was his specialty and his friends always believed it was a talent of his. Yui wasn't that bad looking either, he likes being the only badass chestnut haired boy in all of Japan.

"Oi, if you don't stop dropping girls in one week, it'll serve as a bad omen and come back to hit you," Aki teased Yui.

"I don't care." Yui takes a long sip at his drink then stands up.

"Besides, I'm starting a new life. New school means new girls! Watch out Aihara Academy, I'm coming for you."


"Yui! Get your lazy ass up, you're going to be late for school!" Yui's mom yelled and opened the door to his room.

Yui groaned and shielded his head with his pillow. Yui and his mom just moved to a nice little cozy apartment. Yui had a big bedroom and since there were only two rooms, he has to share it with his new stepsister.
Yui has never met his stepsister and he wasn't too excited either, all he heard from his mom was that she was cute and Yui had no problem imagining that.

Yui's mom takes off his blanket, causing him to curl against the cold air.

"Wakey wakey sunshine ~" his mom smiled. "It's your first day at a new school!"

"Mom!" Yui whined and grabbed back his blanket. "I don't want to go to school!"

"Aww my baby," she suddenly sits down next to Yui and hugs him, "you'll be fine!"

'Pfft,' Yui thought. Yui yawns and stretches his arms.

"Okay mom, I'll go get ready now." Yui kisses his mother's cheek and goes to take a shower.


With his shirt unbuttoned and not wearing the school uniform's blazer, Yui was a walking example of Aihara Academy's school violations. He chewed his gum loudly and popped it without a care in the world. A true badass.
As soon as he arrived at the school, he dropped the blazer from his hand and his eyes rounded like saucers.

'No way,' he thought. Not a single male was in sight, it was an all girls school!

Thinking he came to the wrong school, he picks up his blazer and walks up to a girl with purple twin drills.

"Hey, shortcake!" He taps her shoulder.

She turns then her face went from passive to angry. "What is a boy doing here?! Do you know that this is an all girls school?!"

"Yeah yeah, put a sock in it motormouth." He then winks to a girl with glasses next to her. The girl gasped and blushed heavily.

"Leave." Twin drills said through clenched teeth.

"Hold it, I came to ask if this is Aihara Academy? Geez, no drama."

"This is Aihara Academy," a voice spoke then time stopped.

All bystanders stopped walking and stared at the newcomer. The newcomer was a beautiful girl with long straight black hair and the most mesmerizing amethyst eyes. She stood up straight and walked tall, her composure screamed puritanical. Judging from the red band around her left arm, Yui knew right away that she was a student with high authority.

'Hottie alert,' Yui thought and blushed.

"You are not allowed in our school, boy," the girl spoke with a voice as cold as ice.

"Ah geez, is this how you treat a new student?" Yui scratched the back of his neck and huffed.

"New student?! Why--" Twin drills tried to speak but the new girl held up her hand to interrupt her.

"Stand down, Himeko. I'll handle this," the girl sighed and twin drills nods.

"Yes, president." Himeko steps back and lowered her head.

'President huh?' Yui smirked.

"Wow, you're pretty aren't you president?" Yui walked closer to the girl and flashed a smile. "Say, can I take a picture with you?"

The girl glared. Some girls behind her sighed staring at Yui's smile but the president was somehow immune to it. Yui tried slipping out his phone from his pocket; but the girl beat him to it and reached into his pocket, touching his hand in the process.
Yui jumped at the warm contact. Her soft hand slid up his arm and she pulled out his phone.

"Phones are not allowed on school property," she starts walking away with his phone in her hand, "your phone will be confiscated until the end of the day."

The girl disappears and then after a few minutes, everybody went back to what they were doing. Yui just stood there, staring at the spot where the president once was. Completely and utterly dumbfounded.

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