Chapter Sixteen

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Another gunshot was heard and it was especially close to Yui, who was on the edge of the rooftop. Yui backed away and looked to Izumi, bewildered.

"What's going on?!"

"Not now!" She hissed. "We have to get out of here!"

Izumi then pulls Haruki and Yui to their feet and drags them to the stairs that led downstairs to the building.
Izumi jumped and dodged out of people who were working in their cubicles, Yui and Haruki doing the same. A shatter of glass filled with screams were heard and it made Izumi and the boys run faster.
Haruki runs to the elevator but Izumi held him back.

"Elevators are too damn slow! Let's take the stairs!" Izumi led them to the stairs.

"Follow my lead!" She shouts and jumped over the railings and onto more stairs below. She creates a pattern, hopping from stair to stair and descending lower and lower.

Yui grunts as he followed Izumi's example, along with Haruki. As Izumi waited for them in the bottom of the stairs, Haruki gets held back in a choke hold by a buff goon.

"Guys!" Haruki yells.

"Haruki!" Yui runs up the stairs to his friend.

"Yui wait!" Izumi grabs a pistol out of her pocket. "Haruki, think fast!"

Haruki bends his head over quickly, and in result of that, the goon behind him was hit square in the forehead by Izumi's bullet then lets go of Haruki.
Haruki takes a big leap and jumps all the way down to Izumi's level.


A huge explosion on the side of the building came to life and Yui quickly jumped down to the bottom stairs. He winced as he left leg impacted painfully.
Haruki and Izumi carried him under his arms and raced out of the building that was collapsing increasingly behind them.
As they finally exit out of the building, a white Lamborghini quickly parks in front of the building and the passenger door opens. Fumio sat in the driver's seat.

"Get in!" He screams.

Izumi climbs in the passenger seat while Yui and Haruki sat in the back. They quickly drove away.


"You're hurt." Izumi frowned at Fumio.

"No, I'm not," he replied.

"What's this then?" Izumi places her finger in Fumio's bullet wound on his chest. He winced and Izumi pulls back her hand.

"Just imagine if it was an inch deeper, it would've taken a hit to your heart."

"I said I'm fine, Izzy," He scowled. "I have thick skin."

"Can someone please explain to us what happened?" Haruki asked from the backseat.

"Not unless you promise you won't tell anyone," Izumi glares at him.

Haruki then does that thing with the cross your heart hope to die and Yui rolled his eyes.

"Good," Izumi sighs, "well Fumio, you're better at this so you explain."

"We belong to the Blue Blood mafia gang. The Vipers, which they call themselves, were the ones who attacked you guys at the building.

The reason they did that was because of her," he tilts his head towards Izumi, "she killed a mafia boss's kid.

"And how they were able to find out where you guys were was my fault," Fumio sighed then frowns. "I was trying to meet Izumi at the destination when I didn't know they were following me. In result of that, I was shot and they blew up the building."

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