Chapter 60

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Authors Note: Hey Guys! Here's a real chapter.. Feeling generous in the way of Wattpad today.

:P I like hot chocolate and i has a cold :(

Just keep swimming my little fishes!

{Bee is online}

{Tony is online}

{Nat is online}

{Clint is online}

Nat: Bee, I am very disappointed with you.

Bee: -_-

Clint: I can't believe you actually got into our room o_o

Tony: :D

Nat: You gave into his bribes! (Check the one-shot book out to see what this is about..)

Clint: How did you get into our room?

Bee: -_-

Nat: Do not give me that face young lady!

Bee: I'm not THAT young Nat...

Nat: You're young enough..

Bee: I can kick your ass...

Nat: Bring it!

Bee: You're on -_-

{Bee is offline}

Nat: Heyy.. Get- WAIT! I'MNOT READY!

{Nat has disconnected}

Clint: How did you get into our room?

Tony: Bee said something about Goa'uld technology.....

Clint: Whats a Goa'uld?

{Ba'al is online}

Ba'al: I am a Goa'uld you foul creatures.

{Bee is back online}

Ba'al: Buuuut on second thoughts, I'm going to go...

{Ba'al is offline}

Bee: Thats what i thought.

{Nat has reconnected}

Nat: How are you better than me?!

Clint: She bested you?!

Tony: *Screenshot* That is hilarious.

Bee: Fought the Goa'uld for the most of 7 years, Ori for 4 years and now I'm in another time. I was trained by Teal'c, a Jaffa, Ronon Dex and Teyla Amardon in Atlantis. Oh, i also fought the Wraith, Ascended to a higher plain of existance for a while and went through a couple of alternate realities in the Quantum Mirror. Any complaints?

Nat: o_o

Clint: o_o

Tony: XD

{Coulson is online}

Coulson: You should join my team.

Bee: Sorry AC, Tony made me an Avenger...

Coulson: We have The Bus.. Have you been tqalking to Skye?!

Bee: :3

Coulson: Of course you have -_-

{Coulson is offline wondering who the hell Bee is}

Bee: :3

Tony: XD

Nat: I need to kill someone..........

Clint: I'm coming with you.........

{Nat and Clint is offline}



Bee: I bet her up...

Tony: I need a drink....

{Tony is offline}

Bee: -_- Well then.. I'll go talk to Grant..

{Bee is oflline}

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