3: Change of Plans

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What do you think of the picture? Pretty epic, eh? (I don't own it! No credit goes to me!)

My sister has the biggest obsession with Reiner for some reason. Like, who even gets obsessed with fictional characters? That's just silly, heh heh....

Yeah, like I'm one to talk.

Here you go, chapter three!

(Reiner's POV)

I don't get it.

For soon reason, (Y/n) has been ignoring me all day. Did I do something wrong? Did I say something to offend her? Why was she avoiding me?

"Reiner, calm down. You look like you're about to punch someone," my friend, Bertholdt (my baby!!!) said quietly, and I sighed, trying to force myself to relax.

"Yeah, sorry. I just...why is she avoiding me all of the sudden?"

"You asked her out last night, right? Maybe you scared her off."

I paused. Could that be it? No, she seemed perfectly fine last night. In fact, she seemed almost as excited as I was, and trust me, I was excited. It couldn't be that. Maybe...maybe Mikasa said something to her? I growled under my breath. Of course, that freak of nature hates me. I can tell she doesn't trust me. She probably warned (Y/n) that I was suspicious.

"Reiner? You okay?" Bertholdt's voice snapped me out of it.

"Yeah, I'm just fine. Just thinking. You know...I think I figured out what's got (Y/n) acting so weird, and I know how to fix it. Excuse me for a minute, would you?"

"Yeah, sure," Bertholdt said, and I walked away, my fists clenched.

Stupid brat. You think you can keep us apart? (Y/n) is mine. There's no way on this earth that you could separate us. I'll do anything to keep her, even if it means potentially blowing my cover. I'm dead serious. I will kill you, Mikasa Ackerman.

(Y/n) won't listen to your lies anymore!

I was so focused on my rage, I didn't notice (Y/n) until she was on the ground. I blinked down at her, and she looked back up at me with those beautiful (e/c) eyes, stealing my breath. I felt like I was under a spell, and I couldn't figure out how to move.

Then she blinked, and her stunned expression changed to that of fear, catching me off guard. She was scared of me? What did I do, anyways?

"R-Reiner!" She exclaimed, standing up quickly. "Uh...hey!"

"Sorry, didn't mean to crash into you like that. Are you okay? I didn't hurt you, did I?" I looked her over for injuries, but she seemed fine.

"I'm okay," she said, her voice growing quieter than usual. "Um...I need to talk to you."

"About what?" That doesn't sound good.

"It's...about tonight. Look, I'd love to hang out, but I'm really tired. You know...training and all of the homework I've been given. It's just a lot, and I need to rest." She gave me an apologetic smile, but I could see right through it.

I was lying. I knew she was.

"Why don't you want to hang out with me?" I asked, feeling hurt. "Did I say something wrong? Please, tell me. I'm really sorry for whatever I did."

She looked taken aback.

"It's nothing you did, I just...like I said, I'm tired." She looked a bit panicked, as if I had backed her into an imaginary corner. Something was up, but I couldn't figure it out.

After looking at her for a few more seconds, I relented.

"Alright, fine. We can just reschedule it for some other night. Hey, (Y/n)?" I hesitated for a second. "Get a good night sleep, alright?"

"Yep," she said, giving me a weak smile.

I patted her shoulder awkwardly and walked away. Maybe Bertholdt is right. Maybe I really did freak her out yesterday. Dang it, I rushed things too fast.

Well, I'm not going to give up on her. If she rejects me, I'm still going to keep her. I'll just need to take a different approach. It might not be as pleasant for her, but that doesn't matter.

I'll make her mine, even if I have to do it by force.

~ ~ ~

(Your POV)

I had been trying to stay away from him ever since I saw that look in his eyes. I was honestly scared. What was he planning? Did it have something to do with tonight? No, surely he wouldn't try anything like that. He might not be the most gentlemanly guy, but he wasn't like that.

I was over thinking it.

I should've paid attention, but I was still so weirded out, it was hard to think about anything else. So when I collided with a firm, hard wall that turned out to be the topic of my thoughts, I kind of panicked. After hurriedly putting together some half-baked excuse for not being able to hang out tonight, I managed to talk him out of spending the night together.

I was relived, but now that I had actually done it, I felt a bit guilty. He looked genuinely offended when I told him I'd rather go to bed early than hang out with him. Besides, he seemed to be concerned for me when he crashed into me.

Was I just imaging that look, then? Nothing else he did pointed to him lusting after me in a creepy way. It could've just been a trick of the light, or maybe I was still half asleep and my mind was playing tricks on me. I could've been totally wrong.

Which meant I had just crushed him for no reason.

Gosh, I'm a jerk.

"Didn't you have a date tonight?" Mikasa asked me when I walked into our dorm. I scowled, my guilt turning into anger as my mood soured.

Wow, I've been really crabby recently.

I decided against taking out my anger at Mikasa for once, since she really didn't deserve it. Just because I was jealous of her didn't mean I had to always snap at her. So this time, I simply shrugged. "It's nothing, really. I just had a fight with Reiner."

"Ahh, I see. What happened?" She didn't sound hostile, which I took as a good sign.

"I'm...not sure how to explain it. I was a bit worried about what his intentions were about tonight, since, well, he's Reiner, and I guess I kind of spoke without thinking, and broke off our date. Now I think he's angry at me, and rightfully so. I was kind of being a jerk."

"You're good at that," she said, but her tone was slightly playful. "You know, you could always just apologize and hang out tomorrow. And if he tries anything, just kick him in the nuts again."

"Oh my gosh!" I moaned, burying my face in my hands. "Don't bring that up, you're only making me feel more guilty!"

We talked for a bit before hitting the bed. Honestly, it wasn't too bad. Ever since I got here, Mikasa and I didn't get along. Not sure why, maybe our personalities clashed. Whatever the reason was, we didn't talk much, and when we did, it turned into bickering. Tonight was different. We seemed to connect a bit, and while I would exactly call her a close friend, we had moved up from acquaintance status.

I fell asleep that night with a smile on my face.

Wow, two chapters in a day! Author-Chan must be feeling inspired tonight!

Question: Besides Attack on Titan (which I assume all of you watch, since you're reading this fanfic) which anime(s) are your favorite(s)?

For me, as stated on my profile, is Future Diary and Danganronpa, though I'm also a fan of Amnesia and Snow White with the Red Hair. I'm currently in the middle of Tokyo Ghoul and Death Note, and I love both of them so far. Oh, and I just started Psycho Pass, and I like that, too.

I honestly haven't seen a ton of anime, since I'm a bit of a newbie fan.

Keep an eye out for the next chapter!

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