6: Reiner's Present

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(THE PICTURE SPOILS THINGS IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN SEASON TWO YET, JUST FYI. It's cute, but also super sad. Poor sweet babies <3)

Who's ready for more yandere Reiner? 

(Your POV)

He led me deep into the forest, seeming to know exactly where he wanted to take me. Was there some place specifically he wanted to bring me?

I held onto his shirt sleeve as he stepped around a large tree root. He did say anything, but just being with him made my stomach fill with butterflies. I smiled to myself, grabbing onto him just a little bit tighter.

I was alone with the boy I liked. No one could interrupt us out here. Maybe he was planning to confess his undying love for me or something like that? Was I just being silly? I had always tended to over think things. But...could it possibly be true? Was I about to become Reiner's actual girlfriend? 

Little did I know what he was actually planning. While it was true that he was going to express his love for me, it wasn't in the way I - or anyone, for that matter - would want their crush to confess. I was walking right into his trap.

"You okay?" He asked when I stepped into a deep puddle of mud. I nodded, pulling my leg out of the muck. My pants were now stained brown up to my shin, but I continued to follow him, still holding onto his sleeve like a frightened child. He kicked a few branches out of the way, and gave me a small grin.

I smiled back, just as we reached a small clearing.

The first thing that tipped me off that something wasn't fully right was the smell. It was a faint rotting stench, though it was still fairly vague and hardly noticeable. The coppery scent of freshly spilt blood, however, was a bit stronger, and I quickly recognized the smell. I froze, my actions stopping Reiner in his tracks.

"What is it, (Y/n)? Is something wrong?"

I frowned, my brows crunching together. Surely I was imaging it, right? "I'm alright," I answered, forcing myself to relax. "I just thought...never mind."

He grunted, and gently tugged me forward. I had no choice but to follow him.

When he stopped, the scent was stronger, now impossible to ignore or brush off as my nose playing tricks on me. It was definitely blood. 

"Wait, Reiner," I said, stopping him once again. "Do you smell that? I have a bad feeling about this," my voice was laced with worry.

"It's fine, Angel. Do you really think I'd bring you somewhere that I didn't know was safe? I'd never hurt you, nor would I let anyone else hurt you. The only thing out here is you and I, and the things I wanted to show you."

"But something is wrong," I said, but he ignored me.

"I made something for you," he continued as if he didn't hear me. "I want to show you want I did for you. Don't you want to see?

Maybe I overreacting? It's probably just some dead animal. Besides, Reiner wouldn't hurt me. I know him well enough to know that his first priority is keeping others safe. Why ruin his confession by running away just because of a smell?

"You're right," I said, faking a smile. "I'm just being silly, I guess."

He grinned, something dark flashing in his eyes, but I missed it. Though I didn't know it, he had won. He knew it, too. I had given myself over to him, and now he had me under his control. By deciding to trust him, I had unknowingly fallen right into his trap.

"The surprise is right past these trees. I know you'll love it, Angel."

He was wrong. I didn't love it, not by any stretch. In fact, it was the worst things I had ever witnessed in my life, and probably ever would.

The first one of Reiner's 'presents' I noticed was hanging from a tree, their arms and legs splayed out and pinned to the tree behind them with their own blades. I instantly recognized it as Sasha, her brown ponytail giving her away. She was most definitely dead, with multiple blades sticking out of her chest and one plunged right through her head.

The second one had been so disfigured I couldn't tell who it was by looking at her, but I knew it had to be Mikasa. She had been completely stabbed beyond recognition, her dead body laying on the ground, already started to rot.

For the first time since I entered this forest, I let my grip on Reiner's sleeve slacken, and my hand fell away. Two of my friends were dead, right in front of me.

I parted my lips in a silent scream, but I was too shocked to make a sound. It was like everything had died along with them, including my brain. I couldn't process what I was seeing. The scene was so macabre, it made my stomach turn.

Wait a minute, did Reiner say he made this for me?

No, surely Reiner didn't...he wouldn't....

Reiner isn't a killer!

No matter how hard I tried to think of an explanation that proved he had nothing to do with it, he had basically told me he did this. I couldn't deny it. Reiner was a murderer, and that meant I was next. I was alone with him, after all. Why else would he bring me all the way out here, away from everyone else, just the two of us?

I closed my eyes, and tried to get my breathing under control, which had grown more and more erratic as I processed everything.

"You're going to kill me know," I whispered, the terror in my voice impossible to miss. "But before you do...tell me...what's even the point of doing this? I don't understand."

"I'd never kill you," he said, sounding offended that I had even thought about that. "(Y/n)...I killed them for you. I wanted to show you...I love you enough to do anything for you. I'd slay any titan, kill any human. Anything, (Y/n). Anything for you." He grabbed my chin, and tilted my head back so I was forced to look into his blazing hazel eyes. He forcefully smashed his lips against mine, taking my second kiss by force. 

I was helpless to his wishes with me. Not only was he bigger and stronger, but I was still stunned by the sight of my friends mangled corpses. 

He easily scooped my up in his muscular arms, and carried me deeper into the trees, away from Mikasa and Sasha's bodies.

I felt my eyes filling with tears, and I suddenly lost it. I sobbed into Reiner's shirt, dampening it with my tears as the streamed down my face.

"It's alright, (Y/n)," he murmured soothingly as he carried me back to our dorms. He stepped over stones and branches, all the while whispering quiet, comforting things to me. But, as we neared out destination, his tone changed.

"Just remember, my Angel...if you tell anyone about what you saw, or what I did...I'll do the same thing to you. No...not exactly the same thing. It will be far worse. I'll cut you into pieces, and then I'll burn your flesh into ashes, so no one will ever find you. You don't want that, do you, Princess?" He kissed my forehead tenderly, despite his threatening words. I nodded quickly, my heart pounding with fear.

He smirked.

"Good girl, (Y/n)."

Oh wow, I made Reiner super creepy in that chapter. Which is good, since he's a yandere in this story, so he's supposed to be creepy.

Did you like it? Hopefully you did.

Also, just to let you know, I won't being doing questions anymore, as least for right now. I don't see a point, since no one answers them but myself, so it's kind of a waste of time. Besides, I can never think of any.

Keep an eye out for chapter 7!

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