4: Kiss and Kill

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Quick warning, there will be some violence and gore in this chapter.

(Your POV)

The next day, I was searching for Reiner. I had to apologize for how rude I had been last night. He didn't even do anything wrong.

Eventually, I did find him. He was outside, working out.

Of course he is, I thought to myself as I walked over to him.

"H-Hey, um...Reiner?" I asked, interrupting his workout session. He stopped and turned to look at me, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"Yeah? What is it?"

"I just wanted to apologize for last night. I feel awful about it." 

"Eh, don't worry about it. I understand, being a cadet in the military is tough. I'm not angry at you," he said, and I felt like a heavy weight had been lifted from my chest. Thank goodness he isn't mad at me.

"I'm so glad!" I blurted, then turned pink. "I didn't mean to sound so excited," I said sheepishly, giving him a shy smile. "So...do you wanna hang out tomorrow night instead? You know...to make up for last night?" I asked hopefully, and he grinned.

"I always want to spend time with you, (Y/n)." His eyes darkened. "Hey, I need to ask you something, and I don't want you to lie to me. Have you and Mikasa ever talked about me?"

"What do you mean by that?" I asked. "I mean, guess so. We did talk about you last night. But only about-" I cut myself off. I almost admitted that I liked him out loud! Well, he should know by now. I did just technically ask him out. What's the point of hiding it? "Only about...how I...." I swallowed down my fear, and dragged my gaze up from the ground and over his toned frame, until our eyes met. "How I like you."

His eyes widened for a second. "You do?"

"Yeah." I scratched at the spot right below my ear in embarrassment.

He smirked. "Good, because I like you too." Before I could say anything, he grabbed me by my shoulders and pulled me towards him. Next thing I know, his lips smashed against mine, claiming them in a frantic, passionate kiss. I gasped, my mouth opening, giving him better access. He let out a hungry growl as he pushed me against the wall of the building with all the dorms in it. His hands roamed down my arms and over my waist, but luckily he went no lower than that.

I jerked my head back, and stared at the muscular blonde with wide eyes. "What was that?" I said, sounding just as breathless as I felt. "Do you really just kiss me?"

"Yes," he rasped. "And you taste delicious."

A shiver went down my spine. Was it one of fear, or excitement? His voice was undeniably sexy when it got like that. Wait, what am I thinking?

"Reiner...we aren't even dating!" I said, trying to collect my scrambled thoughts. It was like he had completely scattered my brain, mixing up logic with fantasy. He had found a way to throw off my guard, totally and completely.

"But I love you."

Love? I said nothing about love! I have a crush on him, I'm not in love with him! Is he crazy? Surely he can't expect us to fall in love after just one kiss.

"It's not love," I said, shaking my head. "It's just a crush, Reiner. You're not thinking straight. Come on, why don't we get some breakfast?" I quickly tried to switch the subject, and he nodded, his eyes swimming with so many emotions I couldn't deceiver them.

We went inside the dinning hall, and sat down together. We ate and joked around, but I was uneasy. Why had he forced that kiss on me? Was that hungry look I though I had seen in his eyes not just in my imagination? Was that really how he felt about me?

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