Face to Face: 11

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"We will get him back." Melinda said with a determined look on her face.

Tafarie was on the floor using his healing powers to melt away the ice that froze over Polly, it melted away quickly.

"Thank you, I'm freezing." She said hugging herself. He gave her his green jacket.

"Henry why are there two of you?" Melinda asked after lighting all the candles.

"I used the power tripling spell." Henry getting up from the floor said.

"But it was no use he took out one of my clones in no time." The real Henry said.

"How did you lose to him? If there were three of you?" DJ asked as he rose from the floor as well. That's when he and everyone else noticed that one of the Henrys had a huge burn on his hand.

"Henry, oh my God!" Pattoria exclaimed.

"He burned you." Polly stated more than she asked.

Tafarie quickly went over to heal him.

"We're fine." Unburnt Henry said.

"I know the spell you used, if he still managed to get the upper hand he must be very powerful now." Tafarie said.

"They all are, they've been stealing the powers of other witches." Melinda said furiously.

"How do we find them?" DJ asked.

"We need something to scry with." Pattoria said.

"Henry did he drop anything?" Mel asked.

"No, but I orbed away the first syringe that he tried to inject Matt with." Henry said then retrieved the syringe with a blue liquid from inside from his pocket.

"Its a good thing I learned how to control where things orb to, when I use orb gun." The real Henry said.

"Who brought a map and a crystal?" Pattoria asked.

"I did" Mel answered then immediately took the syringe and went over to the other tree house to scry.

"Is she going to find Matt with that?" DJ asked.

"Yes, we hope." Pattoria said.

"Don't worry we'll find him." Henry said.

"What did he inject him with?" DJ asked. Pattoria and Tafarie looked to each other for an answer neither had one.

"We don't know". Pattoria said.

"I think we might." Henry said referring to himself and Polly.

"It looks looks like the same thing he gave us to give Matt last year after we got him back." Henry said.

"But that actually helped him." Polly said.

"Wait a minute, that psycho gave you something to give to my brother and you gave it to him?" DJ asked.

"Its not like that, aunt Piper checked it out before hand and she okayed it, it was not poison." Henry said.

"That doesn't make any sense, none of this makes any sense!" DJ said.

"That's because you're not use to this world, that's why I think you should stay here when we go back for your brother." Tafarie said.

"The hell I will!" DJ exclaimed.

"What are you gonna use to defend yourself?" Tafarie asked folding his hands.

"I have another gun."

"Okay, let mi rephrase, what are you going to use to defend yourself against fire balls?"

"I'm not just going to hang back and do nothing, that's my brother!" DJ exclaimed.

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