Five. Four. Three. Two. One.
I quickly changed the magazine of my hand gun before starting over again.
Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One.
I slipped out the old and placed the last magazine in.
Ten. Bastard finally grew some balls. Nine. I have to pick up my things and move out to California. Eight. Why now when I'm already eighteen? Seven. Where was he when I was alone, finding my own mother in a pool of her own blood? Six. I'm eighteen. I shouldn't need to go live with him. Five. Yeah. That's what I will do. Fuck him. Four. Three. He can shove his 'I'm her father and care for her' act up his ass where it belongs. Two-
I felt a tap on my shoulder and abruptly turned with my gun at the person's forehead. Stephano motioned towards my ears and I took off my ear muffs. "You know better, Stephano. Never sneak up on a lady with a loaded gun." I tsked and shook my head. "You're lucky I didn't kill you."
"You wouldn't kill me. You'd miss me too much," He said cheekily. He gave me a moment to clean up my things and put them away correctly. Once done, I looked over at him, waiting for him to continue. "Marco wants to speak to you before you have to head to the airport." I gave him a nod and followed him out.
We walked up the stairs and down a hall towards Marco's office. With a knock, I walked right in. Marco gave me a look as he was on the phone with someone. "Yes, Antonio, we are anticipating this new development. This growth will both benefit you and us." He paused and watched me walk around his office.
He gave me a glare as I picked up a large diamond and tossed it up like it was a ball. I noticed he won't stop until I do, so I placed it back down with a roll of my eyes. I walked over to a seat in front of his desk as he kept humming in agreement with whoever is on the other line. I plopped down and pulled out a lollipop. I quickly unwrapped it and placed it into my mouth. This became an obsession of mine. When my mother died a few years ago, I picked up a bad habit of smoking. My γιαγιά (grandmother) constantly complained and said I will die an early death if I continue. So to appease her, I cut cold turkey and took up sucking on lollipops. Unknown to me, this would be her last request for me as she and my nonno (grandfather) were killed a year after my mother. By the same fucking people.
"Antonio. I promise you will love the West Coast Don. I expect a full cooperation between us and your family... Yes... I will be able to meet in about three weeks, but our West Coast Empire will start building in a couple days.. Yes. The West Coast Don will be arriving soon." His eyes flicked over to me and then quickly back to nothing. "Yes. I will see you in three weeks time. Goodbye." Then Marco hung up the phone. He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back in his chair.
"You requested my presence," I asked in a bored tone.
"Yes. Before you go, I have two requests." I nodded for him to continue. "One I would like you to get the tattoo before you leave." I nodded. Easy. It was the Family tattoo of a rose on a stem on our left side. It goes from our ribs down to our hip. Everyone's was different since they are allowed to add their own style to it, but it must be a stem with a rose. "Second. I want you to become our new West Coast Don."
Wait. What. "Excuse me. Can you repeat that," I demanded around my lollipop.
"You are our new West Coast Don. We are expanding and instead of being my successor, you will become the Don of another branch. We already have power struggles here between us and I won't be stepping down anytime soon. So this is a win-win for us. What do you say μικρń ξάδερφη (little cousin)?"

Guns and Roses | ✔
Teen Fiction(Original Version) My cousin and I are the only true bloods left in the Thanos Family. I'm eighteen now and my absent father decided to finally take responsibility of having another child. Moving from New York to California wasn't the hard part. The...