Black Lives Matter
Since there's a high probability that you don't follow me, or you don't read any messages I send to my readers, I'm going to post this here along with all my other stories.
Many readers I come across on Wattpad are usually in high school, which I think is a very influential time in a person's life. Many of you are going through personal problems, trying to figure out the ways of life still. Some of you may be sheltered from what's going on in the world (ok, mainly in the United States), worried about finals and may be clueless on why I'm reaching out.
Some of you may be from outside the U.S. and think "Why does this pertain to me? It doesn't affect me and it's not my fault that the U.S. is going to shit. There's no way for me to help anyways." I'll get back to that last sentence.
Just because it doesn't affect you doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. There are innocent people dying. Correction, there's innocent black people dying just because of the color of the skin they were born with.
"But the civil rights movement should have cleared that all up." That wasn't even 100 years ago! The civil rights movement period was 1954-1968. That was only 52 years ago. People who were raised in segregation are still alive today.
I'm reaching out because I'm asking you to help. Pleading you to take action by either donating, signing petitions, and/or texting or emailing for justice.
On May 25, 2020, George Floyd was murdered by strangulation from a police officer kneeling on his neck. He was accused of using a counterfeit $20 bill. Floyd wasn't resisting the officers and exclaimed to deaf ears, "I can't breathe."
I saw mass shooters being treated better than he was on the news!
Too many innocent lives have been lost because they were racially profiled. If you don't see a problem with this, please either unfollow me or exit this book right now because I will not tolerate hate against races.
It doesn't help that we have a freaking cheeto as our president that authorized tear gassing peaceful protestors so he could walk across the street and take a picture of him holding a bible in front of a church. Yes, the U.S. is pretty fucked right now. Has been for the past 4 years.
I can continue ranting and raving in circles but I think I should tell you ways you can help.
The link in my profile message board is basically a website to all links you can support with.
There is a donate tab where it will send you to a page with different places you can donate. Let's say you're under the age of 18 and/or you don't have a debit or credit card you can spend money with. There's also a link "Donate with no money." It will take you to a youtube video that is an hour long with ads all throughout it. Let the ads play through because the channel is donating all of the money made from ad plays to different funds that will support the BLM movement. If you don't see ads, go through the youtube app rather than the internet. Then you can mute the video and let it play while you work on your class work or whatever you are doing. (You don't need to be in the U.S. to participate)
Another tab is the petitions. Sign petitions in support to get justice for those who have died. For all of my readers outside of the U.S., some require you to have a U.S. city and zip code. The top of the petitions page gives you different ones you can use so your voice will still be heard. Show support.
The third tab is a text or call. This tab will show numbers you can call to have your voice heard. Demand justice for what is right. There is also 2 numbers you can text as a way to sign 2 different petitions. (Data rates may apply)
Those of you who are in the U.S. that are turning 18 or passed that, REGISTER TO VOTE. Your voice matters. For those who say "Oh, I'm just one person. My voice doesn't count." YES IT DOES. Let's put it into perspective. Take this sentence and think of all the other kids who think the same thing. That "one voice" just turned into thousands of voices that didn't vote because they didn't think their voice will be heard. And this is how we got a president that almost put us through a third world war.
For those who are actively protesting, please stay safe and be aware of the curfew. Wear protective clothing and a mask (we are still trying to heal from a pandemic). Bring a first aid kit just in case. I've had friends who got shot from rubber bullets and come back with a ring of blood on them from the bullet. When you think of "bullet" you think it would be the size of a bullet. No. I'd say they are about the size of a pill bottle.
For those who are vandalizing and stealing just because of the "opportunity" and you just happen to be reading this, fuck you. It's not just big name brand stores being hit like Nordstrom and Nike, but it is also small mom and pop shops that are family owned and it's the only source of income for them. Not only are you destroying cities but you are also putting the actual protesters in a bad light. All of THAT is unjustly being tied in with the protests and that is only making things worse. Last I checked, 11 people have died in the protests this past week.
Please, if you can, take action. The link is on my profile messages and I put a lot more information on my instagram if you would like to check that out. I highly encourage you to do your own research in this. Know more and find more ways you can help.

Guns and Roses | ✔
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