(Original Version)
My cousin and I are the only true bloods left in the Thanos Family. I'm eighteen now and my absent father decided to finally take responsibility of having another child. Moving from New York to California wasn't the hard part. The...
I unpacked the last box and sighed in content while looking around our bedroom. Luca asked me to move in with him a couple months ago and of course I said yes. Honestly I thought he was going to pop out the question but no, he just asked me if we could move in together. I'm happy either way.
It's Christmas Eve and the weather has cooled down to a whopping fifty-five degrees. Still a lot warmer than New York but Luca is a giant baby complaining all the time that it's cold. I looked at the time and it was 11:30 pm. Almost Christmas and I'm waiting until then to give him my present.
"όμορφος," I called out. I didn't get a reply. I sighed and walked out of the room and down the stairs. He didn't understand why I wanted to have a big house for our first home but, with some convincing, I got him to agree. I paused at the bottom of the stairs when I noticed a trail of roses. I smiled and followed them into our new living room where Luca was on one knee surrounded by bouquets and candles. "Luca," I whispered as tears filled my eyes. Damn my hormones.
"Gaiana Kallisto Thanos. Since the moment I laid eyes on you, you took my breath away. In that moment, I wanted to break the deal I made with my father." As Luca spoke, I slowly walked towards him. "I started falling for you the moment we first spoke to each other in Jason's living room. From then on, you amazed me with something new about you every day. You became everything to me when you told me you'd give us a try. And when I thought I lost you, I felt the earth stop. You are my world and without you, I would have no reason to exist. My beautiful love, I love you whether you are cuddled up next to me or in a interrogation room, torturing a man twice your size. You are a beautiful, strong woman and I am such a lucky man to have you by my side. Now," Luca pulled out a box from his pocket and opened it to reveal a ring, "Will you make me even luckier and honor me by having you as my wife? To have you by my side for eternity?"
I choked on a sob as one hand held my stomach as the other covered my mouth. "Yes, of course. Yes!" I squealed and jumped into his arms as he stood. I kissed his lips and wrapped my legs around his waist. We separated slightly and he placed the band on my ring finger. I pulled him back towards me and claimed his lips again.
"Let's go christen our new bedroom," he mumbled against my lips. I giggled as he carried us back upstairs and into our bedroom.
We made love on every surface available: the wall, the dresser, the chairs, the table, and of course the bed. It was wild yet sweet at the same time. Sometimes we were rough and loud, others we were gentle and murmur sweet nothings to each other. We laid out on our bed, tangled in sheets as we panted from our latest love making.
I rested my head on his chest and listened to the erratic beating of his heart, slowly calming down. I finally took the chance to observe my ring and I fell in love with it. It was simple, just the way I like it, with an oval diamond, surrounded by smaller ones on a rose gold band.
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I smiled and took a glance over at the clock. I realized it was already 2:30 in the morning. I gasped and sat up. "It's Christmas."
He chuckled, "It appears so." I quickly scrambled up, pulled on his discarded t-shirt, and rushed over to our large closet. "Where are you going, mia bella," he called out to me.
"I'm getting something really quick," I called back. I pulled out the little photograph and stick from one of my unused purses that are sitting in a row on a shelf. I held them behind my back and quickly ran back to bed. I sat on my knees and smiled down at him. "I want to give you your Christmas present now. Close your eyes." He chuckled and did as told. I first pulled out the stick and held it before him. "Okay, now open them."
His eyes fluttered open and looked down at it. He was confused at first until it clicked what those two red lines mean. His eyes sprung up to mine and he whispered, "Are you serious?"
My smile widened and I nodded.
"I'm going to be a dad? I'm going to be a father!" He cheered and laughed as he tugged me down next to him. He pulled me into his arms and hugged me. "This is the best gift I could ever recieve." He nuzzled into my neck and peppered kisses along it.
"Oh, here's a picture. I had to make sure and see how far along I was before I told you." I pulled out the ultrasound and he stared down at the two little dots. "I'm four weeks along."
He pointed at the two black spots. "There's two?"
I smiled over at him and nodded. "Twins." It was a miracle since none of our families had a history of twins.
He grinned at me and hugged me to his chest. Then he sat up and leaned over me. Lifting up his shirt I was wearing, he kissed my lower stomach and whispered, "Papa will love you and take care of you both. I will protect you and your mama. That is a promise I will keep until I die." He kissed it again and leaned back up to kiss my lips. "Best Christmas presents ever."
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Hello loves! Did you see that coming? Cliche? I thought so too, but it was a little prep into the second book! So chill.
I want to thank everyone who has taken part of my journey as a writer through this, my first, book! I love you all 😙😙😙
I also want to dedicate this Epilogue to addyjipping because she constantly commented and always put a smile on my face with them. So thank you Addy for keeping me encouraged to continue this story and not lose my passion for it. You were more important to me and this story than what you think. Thank you ❤
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