Today was Friday and I am to go under cover in the club of Silver Bullet. Jay and Quinn started dating. Quinn brought Jay to a race last night and asked her out there. Everyone is coupled up now, except Victor, Mireya, Erica, and Bri. But I have a hinting feeling that Rome has a thing for Bri.
"Earth to Gaia," Kiara said as she waved a hand in front of my face.
I snapped out of my thoughts and looked up at her. "Huh?"
"You okay, mia bella," asked Luca as he placed a hand on my waist.
I nodded and looked over at him. "Just going over everything in my head." I turned back and stared at the cafeteria table again in thought. We had an inside girl where I'm taking her spot for the next two nights. She goes by the nickname Cotton because her hair is a cotton candy pastel blue. She always loved her pastel hair and I guess it stuck in the family. Sam will be putting on a wig for me to copy her hair. Cotton and I looked similar with blue eyes, similar tan, and same height. Our body shapes were similar also but I have a slightly bigger ass than her. The really noticable things are my fuller lips and nose. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I sighed in agitation. "What?"
"Lunch is over," Luca said.
"Come on." He took my hand and pulled me up. He led me out with everyone else towards the parking lot. He leaned against his car and pulled me into his body. Everyone else gathered around and chatted.
Sam's voice caught my attention. "Cotton is coming around eight. She says her shift starts at nine until three in the morning. So we have about a little over seven hours until you need to be ready." She looked at me as she said that. I nodded under Luca's chin.
"Let's go. We have a lot of work to do," said Han.
I sat in a chair as Sam contoured my nose to be slimmer like Cotton's. I haven't seen Cotton since she moved away from New York two years ago. She was a good friend of Marco's. He saw her like a little sister, since she was a year younger, and I saw her like an older one. Marco didn't approve of what she chose to do as a living and they got into a huge argument, pushing her to leave earlier than scheduled. She knew of our family and is still under our protection even if she left. She was family even if she didn't take part in it.
Sam smeared on lip gloss and leaned back. "Close your eyes." I did and she sprayed Morphe setting mist. It smelt amazing and worked perfectly. "Okay! Let's put on your hair." Bri already finished braiding it and they both placed the hair on. It looked natural with brown roots and the rest a light pastel blue. It was curly like my natural hair and as long as it was too.
The front doorbell rung and Ami ran down the stairs yelling, "I got it!" We all laughed and got up to meet Cotton downstairs. "I wanted to answer the door," we heard Ami pout.
"I wished you did instead of this doofus," I heard Cotton say. She was probably talking about Marco. We reached the bottom and Cotton squealed. "Ana!" She ran over to me and pulled me into a big hug. "I missed you so much."
"Me too," I replied into her neck. We pulled away and looked at each other. Her hair was in a messy bun and she was dressed down in yoga pants and a white tank top. I noticed she had more freckles since I last saw her.
"My, you have grown so much." She squeezed my cheeks.
"Hey! What about us," pouted Jay. Cotton laughed and pulled them into a group hug.

Guns and Roses | ✔
Teen Fiction(Original Version) My cousin and I are the only true bloods left in the Thanos Family. I'm eighteen now and my absent father decided to finally take responsibility of having another child. Moving from New York to California wasn't the hard part. The...