Chapter 7

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I can't sleep. There is no way I can sleep. All I can smell is Craig... This is his bed! Calm down, Max. You've been to his house before this time is no different. But he's protecting me... He is my knight in shining armor... And it so makes him a thousand times sexier.

"Max? You asleep?" I heard Craig mumble from the oppositeside of the door.

"Not even close come on in." I smiled as I watched a tired, half naked Craig stummble into the room and fall on the bed in front of me. I sat up enough to give him room.

"Hey." He smiled up at me with that amzing smile and those endless brown eyes.

"What are you doing awake at," I looked at the clock situated behind his head "2:45 in the morning?"

"I couldn't sleep... I'm too worried about you I can't imagine how you feel right now it must be...horrible. No what I'm sorry I'm probably annoying the hell out you. Good night Max, ill be in the living room if you need me." He got up and began to walk away when I grabbed his wrist.

"Don't worry, I'm just glad you care. You could never annoy me." I smiled at him as he sat back down on the bed with a smirk on his face, sitting a little bit closer to me this time.

" I doubt that."

"Craig trust me, you could never annoy me."

"Well what about this?" That's when it happened. Craig Mabbitt kissed me. He roughly slammed his lips against mine. What just happened? I started kissing back instictivly as he placed his hands on my hips and bit down on my lip, hard. I moaned loudly into his mouth as I tugged on his hair I managed to tangle my hands in. He kept pushing my hips slowly backing me up until he slammed me against the wall and untangled my hair from his hair only to pin them over my head with one hand and grab the growing bulge in my pants with the other. I moaned loudly as put presure.


I jumped so high from the sudden yell that I fell onto the floor. I looked up to see Craig standing ontop of my helping me get back onto the bed.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." Craig eventually managed to get me back onto the bed."

"I was dreaming..."


Ajay here! So glad to be back!

I've got a cofession to make... I love you guys!!!!!!!

We both do very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We both appreciate the feedback and the love and the fanning is just so amazing to see people enjoying our story!!!!!!!!!!!

Well its sad to say but, to all hardcore TGB fans...its almost done...

But we are always ready to write more for everyone.

So if you love us and you want us to write more send me some suggestions and ideas and DON'T FORGET...





LOVE US AS MUCH AS WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Gay Bassist *boyxboy* Max Green x Craig Mabbitt (all updates now here)Where stories live. Discover now