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Not even they can stop me now

Boy, I be flying overhead

Their heavy words can't bring me down

Boy I've been raised from the dead

Lauren's voice rang through the quiet bedroom. Her head laid on Camila's lap as she sang to the brunette's belly. The raven haired girl had read that speaking to your baby and singing to it while in the womb was a great way to start bonding. Although the article did say that the baby would only really be able to hear any of it at the 23 week mark. Lauren wasn't the least bit fazed about that fact and she opted to still sing to her baby every day if she got the chance. And today she did.

No one even knows how hard life was

I don't even think about it now because

I finally found you

Oh, sing it to me

Willing herself to not be distracted by certain thoughts, Camila listened on. Lauren's raspy voice kissing her ears beautifully as the green eyed girl sang one of her favorite songs. No matter how soothing Lauren's voice was, however, Camila was beyond uneasy. Sitting against the headboard Camila did her absolute best to not move even the slightest. Her fingers gripped the blanket beneath her as she steadied her breathing.

Camila knew that she'd reach this point in her pregnancy. She'd read enough books already to know what was 'expected' at certain stages of it. No amount of reading could prepare her for just how strong this symptom of her pregnancy was. Simply put, she was horny. All the time.

Camila wasn't used to feeling this way. And it certainly didn't help to live with such an attractive and attentive Lauren either. She'd grown used to admiring Lauren from afar, but lately she felt herself wanting Lauren the way she had her that one night months ago. It was hard to avoid feeling so utterly hot and bothered around the taller girl.

A couple of nights ago Camila had made the mistake of walking into the bathroom without knocking. What she found made blood rush to her cheeks. There stood Lauren in all her topless glory. Nothing but a pair of black boxer briefs on. Camila licked her lips as she took in as much of the raven haired girl as she could. She admired the way pale skin glistened seeing as she'd just walked out of the shower. Her eyes trailed the expanse of Lauren's body unashamedly. Lingering on her thighs and then on the prominent bulge between her legs. Finally moving her eyes back up, she became captivated by the taller girl's breasts. The way Lauren's nipples hardened from the cool air circulating in the room. Sooner or later Camila had to stop her ogling and apologize to the green eyed girl when she asked her why she'd been staring.

And then there was yesterday morning. Camila had gone down to the local grocery store to get some shopping done while Lauren slept in. Of course the brunette did her best to try to not wake Lauren up once she returned. Making as little noise as possible when she was back from shopping she put away everything she'd purchased. Just as quietly she walked towards their bedroom and froze when she heard a sound from the other side of the slightly open door. Waiting for another moment, just to be sure she wasn't just imagining things, Camila peaked into the room.

"Oh, fuck."

She wasn't imagining anything.

On their bed was Lauren. Sheets tossed to the side. Her shirt had been pulled up slightly to expose her toned abs, and her boxers long gone from sight. The green eyed girl's member stood erect between her legs as Lauren stroked herself steadily. Camila had to cross her legs to soothe the now present heat pooling in her center. She knew she probably shouldn't have been watching the taller girl touch herself so intimately, but she was almost mesmerized at the sight.

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