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A cape cod. Lauren chuckles underneath her breath as she swirls an all too familiar black straw in her drink. She never thought she'd be sitting at a bar again feeling so completely and utterly empty. Especially considering what her life had become. Meeting Camila had changed the course of everything. At first Lauren thought that maybe it'd been a terrible thing, leaving her rather active life behind for a more grounded one; but she'd soon realized that change was exactly what she'd always been looking for.

Unfortunately Camila wasn't on the same page as she was. At least that was what Lauren gathered from the brunette's response. Lauren's impulses had taken over when she'd said 'I love you.' It had happened in the heat of the moment. And while she didn't necessarily expect Camila to say it back, she also didn't expect the brunette to disregard it with silence.

Sitting in her 'usual' spot at the busy bar, girls would walk by her and say hi. Most of them asked where she'd been lately, and others didn't bother to ask because quite frankly they didn't care. Lauren would say hi and every once and a while she'd humor them with some small talk. But mostly she kept to herself, unlike she would've months ago.

The few drinks she'd already downed helped it feel a little like déjà vu when her friend Harry walked up to her from behind the bar.

"I was about to say something witty about all the attention you've been getting, but you don't look like you're very into it," Harry said over the music.

Lauren shrugged and took a big gulp of her drink. The shaggy haired guy narrowed his eyes at his friend before trying to get her to speak.

"This is the last place I'd expect to see you."

"Why is that?" Lauren asked. She laughed low in her throat again as she felt another wave of rejection wash over her.

"I thought you and Camila," Harry spoke. He stopped midsentence knowing the raven haired girl would understand where he was getting at. Lauren took a deep breath and released it slowly. Her finger played with the rim of the glass in front of her as she avoided looking up.

"You thought wrong," Lauren assured sadly. "Give me a shot of Fireball," She added. Alcohol would surely help her forget about the way she'd mistaken Camila's affections towards her for love.

Harry observed the green eyed girl for a moment, just to make sure that she could actually handle another shot. Once he got the sense that it was okay, he reached for a shot glass and the liquor.

"Is that why you're here?" He asked while passing the bottle he just had to his co-worker.

"No, I'm here because I want to be here," Lauren lied. She wanted to be home, singing to their baby while she rested on Camila's leg. She wanted to cuddle up behind the brunette and watch a movie, or bicker with her while they made dinner. But mostly, she wanted to take back what she'd said so she and Camila could go back to the way they were.

"I can tell when you're lying," Harry said with a raised eyebrow. He crossed his arms in front of himself on the counter as he waited for Lauren to tell him why she was there. Lauren sighed and downed the shot that he'd poured her.

"Everything was perfect until a couple of weeks ago, when I-," Lauren stopped herself and motioned for him to pour her another shot. She immediately gulped down the fiery drink and winced as it ran down her throat. "I told her I love her."

Harry's eyes lit up and he smiled widely. That was until his smile was replaced with a confused frown.

"But that's a good thing," he reasoned.

"It would be if she loved me back," Lauren grumbled. Harry blew a raspberry and Lauren finally looked up at him. He was giving her the most perplexed look ever.

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