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You held back the urge to puke.

Choking slightly as you swallowed the rising bile.

"No need to thank me, I always make dinner." You forced a smile, breathing slowly. He pulled away, and your urges to vomit dissipated, but you didn't think anything of it. Just a little sickness.

"I know, but your dinner is the best." He stretched out the 's' in best, sitting down at the table. You sang softly as you began mincing onions.

"Taehyung? Pork or steak, or chicken?"

"Steak." You smiled and nodded, continuing to prepare dinner as Tae watched you from the table.

Dinner was normal, eating, laughing, complimenting your cooking. But you felt nauseous, enough that you let Taehyung have a bit of your food. You went straight to the bathroom after supper, leaning over the toilet bowl.

"Y/N? Do you want to watch a movie?"

You couldn't answer, you began gagging over the porcelain until the contents of your stomach poured out.

Except, you didn't see your dinner. No.

Beautiful cherry blossoms were floating in the water.

You pulled the lid town, resting your head against it as Taehyung ran into the room, the sound of your gagging must've alarmed him. He kneeled beside you, placing a hand on your back. Your urge to puke got worse.

You lifted the lid and choked out more, flower petals stuck to your lips as bile sat on your tongue.

You tried to ignore the feeling, but the petals kept coming, you felt like you were choking. Air was not getting through.

"Y/N! What the hell?" Taehyung screamed, holding your hair back as you began to spit up full flowers.

"I'm going to call 911, okay?" Taehyung spoke, standing up and running to the living room.

The petals and flowers stopped, and you stood up, flushing the toilet.

"Forget it Tae! I'm just going to go to bed." You washed your hands and walked to your room, wobbling slightly. Tae hugged you tightly, kissing the top of your head.

"Okay, get some sleep, no school tomorrow, okay? I don't want you to get any worse." You smiled at his words and walked into your room, flopping onto your bed as Taehyung shut the door for you.

Tomorrow, you'd figure out what was happening.

This is more than a stomach bug.

More than a flu.

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