Taliek part 2 (& before sports became Hollywood!)

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     Tom Brady has 6 rings, Dan Marino has 0. Bullshit. They just wanted him to compare to Jordan. Problem is, nobody ever gave Jordan a championship the way that fraud Russel Wilson gave Brady that superbowl. I don't watch sports anymore. I was a Bulls fan the entire 6 years before they ever won anything. I don't watch baseball, basketball, football, hockey, golf, tennis; it's all scripted. Well, maybe not hockey. THIS IS REAL. MISS YOU JORDAN...MY FAVORITE PLAYER. I've even got a few tears in my fucking eyes! Amazing. Ask me again which team of today would beat the Bulls. Ridiculous. He'd beat them all by himself.


      So, I made a second phone call to Third not long after Melissa gave me a big surprise. By the way...I pat my front pants pocket and feel the nice sized lump. My heart is beating fast, mostly because a part of me believes I was dreaming that encounter with the pretty lady lawyer.
Shit like that just doesn't happen in real life.

     After listening intently a moment (that guy is still crying and I need to make sure nobody's coming), I slip my right hand into my pocket, and remove what's causing the lump. And I exhale long and loud. It was obviously all real, because resting on the palm of my hand is a nice sized wad of cash. Not new bills either; no, their crumpled up and look like they've made the rounds a few times.

    There's three hundred and fifty bucks, all in ten dollar bills, and there's also a note folded between two of them. I put the cash back in my pocket and read the note. It went as follows:

       Dear Lucien,

       I'm quite sure you're wondering why I'm giving you $350, when we don't know each other, and to do such a thing is to jeopardize my job. I don't really know why I did it except to admit something about you really appeals to me. I've never done this before and that's the truth. I want to get to know you better. I realize you're only eighteen (I'm 24 by the way), but I can tell you're a mature eighteen. I'm sick and tired of the guys I've been dating. They're boring. At least, I know you're not that! The money is yours to keep, you don't have to return it. I only said that to ensure we see each other again. But then I realized how unfair that was. If you decide not to use the number I'm including, it's okay. This is pretty weird behavior for an attorney. But if you decide to call (and I hope you do), the best time to reach me is during the day.

     Hopefully yours,

     Melissa Crawford

     (212) 487-3465


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