Wolf (Right Here & Now: Ultimate Wedding Song!)

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So she doesn't want him? THAT'S Her Decision. Talk about sexual harassment...Hollywood is full of cowards and frauds...now everyone wants to talk equality bullshit...talk about the secret life behind the scenes, expose all of Tinsel Town's dirt? Megan Fox spoke up now didn't she? Years ago. You just didn't like what she had to say...Bay's a sad clown...what about him? He has no deep, dark, secrets? I FiNd that difficult to believe. Too bad you can't ask Megan...oh yeah, that's right...y'all Too busy black listing her, you malarkians. That's why we supporting her now! SINCE YOU BOYCOTTING QUEEN MEGAN FOX, I'M BOYCOTTING ALL YOUR BULLSHIT MOVIES & TV shows. FUCK BLACK PANTHER TOO. I AINT NEVER WATCHING ANOTHER FUCKING MOVIE OR TV SHOW AS LONG AS I LIVE. I'VE NEVER WATCHED IT AND I'M NOT WATCHING IT. FUCK HOLLYWOOD. Knowing you niggas, it's overrated bullshit anyway. Just like Get Out was.

MEGAN FOX, OMEGA SUPREMEWhere stories live. Discover now