Taliek part 6: A Lack of Weaponry

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     As we approached the cell block's double barricaded metal door, I whispered to Taliek without even glancing his way. "I'm warning you motherfucker. When we walk through this fucking door, don't say shit. You hear me nigga? Not a fucking word, I don't care what they say to you!"

     Taliek kept his head forward, I could see that much. But I also saw that he was nodding his head in agreement. And then, I heard the clank and clattering of the metal door opening. I couldn't help thinking of all the gladiator movies I'd seen in which that sound was used; for the opening of drawbridges, dungeon doors, etc...

     Once the first door opened, I saw that there was another heavy metal door directly behind that one. Talk about overkill; getting through the first door was impossible. It was clearly a form of mental torture having the second door. To an individual suffering from claustrophobia, they had effectively arrived at the front door to their own private hell. And that notion didn't even include the demons they were about to meet who cavorted there.

     The second door unlocked and a CO stepped forward to open it. Once it was fully opened, I looked into a corridor as dark and gloomy as a cave with a single candle glowing in it. We had arrived at the Weapons Ward.

MEGAN FOX, OMEGA SUPREMEWhere stories live. Discover now