Chapter XII - Sunny Care

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He had finally found a pre-School! A day-care, nursery, a scream-centre for monsters in training – call it what you will.

He'd discovered it through Angeal who had two dates with the one of the workers before they'd mutually decided they weren't well-suited. Genesis had joked that it was because she was a cat-lover; but she and Angeal had remained friends, and when he discovered that she had taken over the day-care as manage, he called in a favour.

"We'd be happy to have her!" The young woman chirped, sat with Angeal in Sephiroth's apartment. She was surprised Sephiroth had wanted to interview her first, but was intrigued when he explained that Alice was something of a special case. "Children adapt so well, I'm sure the playgroup will help her feel safe, especially once she gets used to coming to us every day."

Sephiroth nodded, sat in his chair while she and Angeal sat on the couch. "I'm not sure how she'll take to the other children considering her... solitary upbringing."

She smiled. "Children aren't animals Mr Gainsborough, spending time with other children is a need, not a probability."

"You're sure you and Angeal are unsuited?" Sephiroth raised a brow, easing his own awkwardness by raising theirs.

She giggled, embarrassed. "We... um... Definitely not!"

Angeal nodded, having rolled his eyes at Sephiroth's words. "Kate and I would kill each other if we took the next step."

"We're too alike."

"...So what is Sunny Care like?" He took a sip of his coffee. "Do you teach a curriculum of any sort?"

Kate smiled and Angeal offered her another one of the cookies he'd brought from his cupboard before Zack could discover and devour them all, hoping treats would help her feel at ease whilst Sephiroth drilled her.

"Thank you." She took the last chocolate covered one. "We only have the children until age five when they join the local kindergarten. So Alice would be in the Green Room, which is for the two-to-three year olds. We teach basic skills mostly through play, also reading, art and counting, social skills too."

Sephiroth nodded, he considered the place Sephiroth Approved! It had his gold star. "I'd like to come and look at it – tomorrow, if I may?"

"Of course, but we do close at seven."

"I'll make a note of it." His brow furrowed as he thought. "Did Angeal mention Alice is receiving physiotherapy? She can barely walk."

Kate sadly nodded. "The surgery on her feet? Angeal was very forthcoming about everything, he didn't give me any details about the abuse but I really think we can help her, motor-skills are part of our curriculum."


Sephiroth usually had lunch in a quiet corner of the Shinra cafeteria but had left to visit Sunny Care instead, taking Alice with him although he wasn't sure whether that was customary or not.

Sunny Care had once been a large house that had since been converted into a day-care. Judging by what he'd heard it was more a pre-School, but because it was in the Slums was described as a day-care, he supposed that title helped it avoid particular taxes, not that it bothered him, the Slums were safer than the Sectors where Hojo and his goons prowled.

The concreted garden was littered with toys and surrounded by a large gate with an intercom, which surprised him considering the buildings location.

"Yes?" A voice answered when he pushed the button.

"It's Sephiroth; I have an appointment." He explained as Alice stared, shocked at the talking box.

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