Chapter XVIII - Submit

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"Will you submit?"

Slowly, they looked to each other, no words needed to be spoken. Posie began first, Sephiroth followed, as they untied the traps over their shoulders they removed their leather stomach guards, the Shinra logo printed upon them, and laid them at the feet of the furious General.

As his face contorted into fury they held each other's hand.

"If you survive, you'll never disobey again." He growled, spitting between his teeth, his eyes bulbous with anger.

They were violently stripped of their tiny uniforms, a costly garb tailored for six year olds.

Sephiroth, stronger than any other child, was restrained by two of the harshest Lieutenants; the others paled when they noticed the iron brandished in the fire beneath the pipe powering the makeshift gas chamber and hastily made their escape.

The General wordlessly demanded Sephiroth be hunched over, he pushed Sephiroth's silver hair from the nape of his neck to thrust the red-hot iron there. "Your insubordination will mark you for the rest of your lives!"

Sephiroth's mouth fell open into a silent scream and his eyes grew so large they looked as though they'd pop from his sockets, Posie wailed for him.

Finally, his breath was no longer hitched, and he screamed the loudest scream he was able to, even when the iron was pulled from his blackened neck and he was dropped to the floor, writhing, burning his hands on his heated skin, he screeched louder.

"You're next." The General declared, pointing the steaming iron at Posie.

Regardless of the nightmare, Sephiroth awoke well-rested felling much better than he had the day before. Hand on the risen scar brandished into the back of his neck, a burn long healed into a circular shape, hidden beneath his long hair. It was a cruel reminder in so many ways, he often stroked the risen outline of the lettering whenever he was deep in thought, Posie had done the same thing to her own, she'd traced her own brand for hours the day she'd disappeared, one finger running over the words until he was sure the mark of deadened skin might become sore. He would always regret not asking her what was on her mind that day... he had many regrets.


He could write those words backwards, he mused, tracing the mark as he sat up, wide awake minutes before his alarm would sound.

It was no wonder he'd had bad dreams, considering the events of the previous day as he stepped out of bed. Hojo had been in his home, speaking of his wife and all he had wanted to do to her before her death... and of Aerith. Sephiroth bristled whenever he heard the name and he regretted taking on the surname, had he known what would happen he never would have had anything to do with her.

Before Alice had invaded his life his days began at 4AM, he would slip out of bed to the smell and sound of fresh coffee being poured from the timed machine in the kitchen, he'd shower, washing his long mane (scented with thirteen perfumes), then would prepare breakfast and drink his coffee while his hair dried.

Then Hojo had given him Alice... Anyone who has tried to leave the house with a toddler before 5AM knows you need some sort of miracle! And that miracle began at 3AM, losing that last precious hour of sleep sometimes got Sephiroth to work on time.

At 3AM Sephiroth forced himself out of bed and prepared breakfast until his coffee cooled. Eggs for him (protein to last the day), a glass of orange juice and fruity porridge for Alice...

It was easier to move a fully grown hippo than that girl from her bed! ...Or so he grumpily thought to himself, switching the light on in the dim room. Alice blinked and hid beneath the covers, whining.

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