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Alice fought Gillian's soothing grip, wailing until her throat was raw and Sephiroth was out of sight, the sound of the helicopter was long gone as was her energy.

"It's alright!" Gillian comforted her, not willing to say he was coming back... what if he didn't? "Let's go inside. Everything will be alright."

Gillian's home was humbly put together with love. There were two bedrooms upstairs, the bathroom and the kitchen were downstairs, warmed by the stove and its scent of home cooking. Though this did little to comfort Alice, sat at the table, her face puffy and wet as she hugged Pancake until its head swelled with all the stuffing.

Gillian heated fresh milk and flavoured it with honey from the bee farm behind the house, the honeycomb a free gift from her friend. The milk was the surplus from the cows; milk that didn't make it into cheese or bottles was gifted to the village each morning. She wouldn't complain about her life, she had chosen it.

She knew how to deal with upset children, her own heart breaking as Alice cried. "This will make you feel better." She promised, putting the cup of milk on the table. She lifted Alice off the chair and sat her on her lap, very aware of the way she froze, quietened and began to shake from head to toe, just as Sephiroth had when he had first met her.

"No one here is going to hurt you." She reassured her. "You're here to have fun. There are so many things to do and you'll make so many friends. Angeal said you like animals, there are a lot of rabbits here, pretty birds and the butterflies will be coming out soon. And it's lambing season, I'm sure you'll love all the baby animals. The lambs are so fluffy, like clouds, and the lady next door has six little kittens, if you're gentle she'll let you play with them."

Alice seemed to calm a little, her racing heartbeat slowed and she had stopping biting her knuckles, lightly sucking on them instead.

"Drink your milk; it will make you feel much better. Then we'll unpack your things and talk about all the fun things you're going to do." She held the cup to Alice's mouth, watching bubbles rise as Alice sobbed into the cup, her eyes drooping as she cried herself to sleep.

Gillian stroked her hair as she slept. "You're so like Sephiroth it's scary." She carried her upstairs, taking the small bag with her.

Angeal's room was opposite Gillian's. It was as dated as the rest of the house. Little had changed in his room. The single bed frame was worn down; stab marks from Buster Sword in the floor were covered by an old tattered rug. The white country walls were decorated with photos and achievements, the medal Angeal had won in the school race, 'secret' notes from Genesis were pinned to the beam above his bed. It was nothing special, just a time capsule of the child Gillian had raised into a man.

But the bedroom draws were empty, quickly filled with Alice's things; it reminded her of how empty the room had been since Angeal had left, so she allowed herself the small selfish happiness of sharing her home again.

Alice cried in her sleep, Gillian noticed, sat beside her on the bed. She had placed Alice under the covers, drawn the curtains and in the dim light read through Sephiroth's instructions, a list of Alice's behaviour; a story of what she came from and instructions on what to do in case of his capture... or demise.

"I'm impressed..." she admired the paper, "he actually thought this through. He must really love you." She quietly said as if her voice could stop Alice's tears. "So, according to him and my son, you survived Hojo... but you are scared of his name... Well done little girl! Not many live to be afraid of him, I am so happy you're safe now." She wiped the crusting mucus framing bubbling snot from Alice's nose. "Ginger and carrots will fix this cold; I'll have to tell your father all my secrets when he comes back..." Her face became sad. "I'm sure he will come back. But that's my secret. Goodnight Alice." She left her side to roam her kitchen.

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