"Your mine Lauren."

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Chapter 1
Lauren's pov
I woke up in my dorm. I stretched yawning. I looked down and saw two girls laying beside me. Oh shit, that actually did happen last night. One girl was Halsey and the other was Zendaya. I stood up putting on my pants and bra. I walked to the living room. Dinah was sitting making drinks with her mind. "I'm still amazed at the fact you can outdrink me." I stated.

Dinah chuckled,"I'm amazed at the fact that you can get your dick that hard and still have enough energy to fuck two girls at the same time for a long as you can. I think that's a personal record Lo." I smiled remembering how it felt to them fuck me last night. "That was like about four hours I think."

I smirked,"You know I have a lot of stamina."

"I know." Dinah replied. "You so fucking hot. But your not loyal."

"Please there's no one to trust." I shot back. "Come on we gotta go to class." We got ready and I went to class. I was sitting close to the window. There was some hot chick sitting across from me looking at me. She looked like she wanted to ask me something. "The answer is yes. Until you pass out and when you wake up." I replied.

"Did you just?" She asked.

"Read your mind? Yes." I shot back. After class was over we we're in my dorm room fucking. She was on top of me riding me. I was starting to lose control when I made started to make us levitate along with everything else in the room. She was going fast I felt her come on my dick. She was moaning loudly and she slammed her hand on the ceiling. When we were done we were laying in my bed together. "So your a first year?"

"Yeah I guess your the welcoming committee." She stated.

"Actually no me, and Dinah are the party starters. Dinah is my best friend." I told her.

"Right Dinah." She said annoyed.

"What, why did you say it like that?" I asked.

"She tried fucking me." She said. "Yesterday at your party."

"She did?" I asked confused.

"Yeah you were too busy fucking Zendaya, and Halsey to care." Lucy replied.

I smirked kissing her, "She'll back off once she sees your mine." I looked at her up and down. "So first year what made you come here?"

"My parents sent me here. They never wanted me. So the first chance they got they sent me here. Guess to hope get struck by lightning." Lucy replied. "How'd you get here?"

"I was born here." I answered. "So I have full control over my powers. But I have a lot to learn still." Dinah walked in the room and threw the blanket over us. "Dinah what the fuck? Don't you know how to knock?"

She laughed loud crossing her arms looking at me,"Hey you act like I haven't seen your fucking dick before."

"What do you want?" I asked annoyed.

"I'm bored come drink with me." She whined. "Bring the first year Lo." She left the room slamming the door. We got up and put on clothes. We went to the living room. Dinah was sitting there making us drinks. "So first year,"

"Lucy!" She replied annoyed.

"Oh excuse me. Lo picked a fiesty one." Dinah stated giving us our drinks. "Right Lucy did you make Lauren cum?"

"Dinah!" I said as Lucy spit out her drink.

Dinah laughed,"Oh first years they are so innocent." Dinah cleaned the bar and handed her another drink. Then Normani sat next to her.

"Your so mean Dinah." She said taking her drink from Dinah's hand and chugged it. "You could at least wait til their asleep then fuck with them." Lucy left the room.

"Where's the fun in that?" Dinah asked. 

"Okay if you guys are gonna fuck just do it already." I stated annoyed. "This foreplay is mad annoying."

Normani turned to me,"What's the matter you jealous?"

"Fuck you, I don't even like you." I stated.

"Oh really is that why you had a sex dream about me in class?" Normani asked.

"You tapped into my head. You fucking bitch." I replied. "Yeah well don't fucking flatter yourself. I could have everyone else, and I do."

Normani chuckled looking at me, "Call me when you stop chasing hoes." I got up annoyed walking away. I was outside and I pulled out my blunt. I put it in my mouth and snapped lighting it.

"Damn got shot down Mani?" Zendaya asked.

"No she fucking read my mind when I was dreaming about her in class." I told her.

"Wow I mean when you sleep anyone can read your mind but when your awake it's like your mind is protected like Russia's missiles." Zen told me.

"Well she's not gonna let this shit go." I told her.

"Maybe that's because your a bitch to her." She replied. "Your lucky she hasn't beat your ass yet."

"Whatever. It's not like they are gonna pair us up in class right?" I asked.

"Who knows? Just be careful I don't know what she has planned but I bet it has to do with locking both of you in a dark closet." Zen guessed.

"Kinky." I blurted out. I saw Normani looking at me from inside. "Show me your boobs!!" She laughed and flipped me off walking away.

"Your such a guy." Zen stated.

"Yeah maybe but I can eat pussy better, and dick girls down better so." I replied walking back inside. I saw two new girls, and a guy sitting on the couch. I smirked, Oh first years won't know what hit em. I walked over to them. "First years stay away from Dinah. She will try to get you all wasted. I'm Lauren. We are also the party dorm so if you need to do something important in the morning don't come hang out with us." They nodded and I felt Dinah put her hand on my shoulder.

"Why would you tell them what I do to first years?" Dinah asked.

"Cus you are a bitch." I replied.

"Yes but I'm your bitch." Dinah shot back. "I've missed you."

I smirked at her,"Me too." She leaned in and kissed me. I moaned when I felt her grab my dick. I pulled away,"Later."

"Don't let Mani find out." Dinah stated.

"Fuck her." I replied. "Stop distracting me Dinah!!"

"Anyways Lauren is a fuckgirl. She has a dick so if she tries to fuck you just reject her." Dinah stated. "She loves pussy." I didn't reply because I felt someone trying to talk to me telepathically. Then I saw Normani walk over to me. Everyone else in the room disappeared it was just us. She pinned me to a wall kissing my neck. She licked my neck and bit my neck. I moaned loud pulling her close to me. She kissed me and I kissed her back. I jumped when I felt her touch my dick. "Your mine Lauren." That's when I felt Dinah slap me across the face.

"What the fuck Dinah!!!" I yelled. We were still in front of the first years and Normani was gone.

"You started to stare at the wall. Is someone trying to fuck you up?" Dinah asked.

"Yes, where the fuck is Normani?" I replied.

"She left are you okay?" She asked.

"She doesn't know who she's messing with." I replied walking outside annoyed.

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