Five Years Later

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      So, there I was, in London, at the top of a bridge, thinking my years at school, the drama, Chris in particularly. After that horrible night, he never went backto school, never texted me, didn't awnser my calls, NOTHING. Guess it was best for both of us.
      Now I work for a spy company, and I'm on a mission right now. Apparently I have todo kill this so called Voidka Kalov. A very imlortant hacker and very well trained assassin.
      So, then again, there I was, waiting todo see him, he was goin todo meet me, without knowing that I was going to be his killer.
      Oh My God. It can't be. He can't be him. I must be dreaming or something. I thought he was, but .....

Jane- You can't be Voidka Kalov, please tell me you are not him. I thought you were .....

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