They never gave it a rest. Yellow eyed monsters watched me, as I walked on the sidewalk. I nervously made my way to school. It seemed as they were everywhere, in the tree, on the fence, on the decaying grass, and even on the house, don't forget the in the windows. The house was run down, black cats swarmed it. Who were they draw too? Was it only me they watched?

Their yellow eyes narrowed to slits, in unison they followed me. I never spoke a word of it, and everyday I kept to myself as they sat and watched. For the first time ever, they blinked. I froze, they had never done that before. So I walked a little faster, clutching my backpack tighter and scurring across the sidewalk.

Then I made a mistake.

I stumbled on a uneven slab of concrete, and my book flew out of my hand, landing in the disgusting grass. No.... Nooo!

I looked at it in horror, the cats peeled their eyes away from me, and to the book. As they looked back to me, I saw their challenge. I am not going to let a bunch of cats stare me any longer. I boldly stepped forward, a feet away from the grass now. I raised my foot, but stopped when a warning hiss sounded by my ear.

I turned to face the cat, but it looked like any other, calmy watching me. It sat emotionless, and then it broke the cycle, it blinked. Instantly, a paw lashed out, and the disobeying cat flew off the fence. It thudded onto the grass and lay still. I looked at the culprit in horror, was this what happens when a cat steps out of line?

Was he the leader? The cat looked at me exactly like the others, the one that blinked still laying motionless. I backed away from the grass, and ran to school, I could just borrow my friends book.

I sighed at my lost, and continued to walk, and only when the cats were out of site did I relax and feel safe once again.

The Band of Black CatsWhere stories live. Discover now