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"Guuuaaaaannnn Ssshhhaaannn," He Tian whines, his voice getting louder with each syllable, "wwwillll yyoooouuu huuurrryyy uuupppppp."

Guan Shan hisses under his breath as he stirs the pot one more time, "Do you have any patience? Rome was not built in a day you know."

He Tian scoffs, "I highly doubt that your beef stew can be comparable to Rome."

Guan Shan flips around to face He Tian, the wooden spoon pointing at him threateningly, "Careful or I might poison your dinner."

He Tian leans back on the kitchen chair and grins, "There's no human poison that can kill me yet Redhead."

Guan Shan turns back to his stew, his cheeks puffing in annoyance.

He saved your life Guan Shan, twice, you owe him a beef stew dinner.

With his cheek still puffed in annoyance, Guan Shan lifts the pot and gently places it unto the table. He Tian looks at Guan Shan with amusement.

"You look like a chipmunk."

"Shut up and get the plates."

He Tian is halfway through his meal before Guan Shan could even take his second bite. With his mouth full of food and his eyes only slightly risen from his bowl to look at Guan Shan's bewildered expression, He Tian defensively says, "What? I was hungry."

Guan Shan couldn't help a smile grow fondly on his face at the sight, "Don't talk while you're eating idiot."

He Tian goes back to breathing in his food as a smile slowly dances on his lips as well. He completes his meal with the clack of his spoon hitting unto his empty bowl and yawns, completely tired. He stands up while pushing the chair back with a screech.

"Gonna go take a nap," He Tian mumbles tiredly while rubbing his eyes.

Guan Shan stares at He Tian with confusion, "Hey, you have to help me clean up."

He Tian ignores the other and trudges to his-their-the bedroom. Guan Shan takes in a deep breath to calm the annoyance that is threatening to overflow.

He saved your life Guan Shan, twice, you owe him.

Getting up after eating the last mouthful of beef stew, he picks up the dishes and starts washing them. By himself. Even though everyone who eats should help with the dishes.

He's a demon Guan Shan, it's not like you can kill him.

It's not like you want to kill him anyway.

Shut up brain.

Guan Shan begins to hear the noises when he turns the tap of the sink off. Deep quiet mumbles, so fast and so low that for a second he thought the television must be on. But, that can't be.... they hadn't gone to the living room all day. Guan Shan's hair stood up in fear and he bit his lips as he felt the urge to call out He Tian's name.

He's not a superhero Guan Shan, he is not inclined to save you all the time. You lived without him before, you survived, you can do it now.

Gathering his bravery, he took a deep breath and closed his eyes to concentrate on the noise. On the low murmurings of the unknown source. His heart beats faster when he realizes that it is coming from his bedroom.

He Tian is in his room, maybe it's him...

Guan Shan edges towards the room and the murmurs get louder. Guan Shan couldn't tell the words being murmured but he could hear the edge of fear in those murmurs. At a point, it even sounded like begging. He nudges the door to his bedroom slightly open, not daring to look inside. His body is tense, he was ready to jet out of his home if he saw anything close to remotely dangerous happening in there.

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