Anatoly Sergievsky

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Svetlana's POV
I met Anatoly when I was just 27. I fell in love with a competitive and strong willed chess player. I always found myself running into him and him running into me. We both fell in love but now I don't know who this man is.
10 years earlier
Today was my first day off. I just got a job after graduating college last year. Today I heard that a famous Chess tournament will be played here in my home town. So me and a few of my college friends are going to see this. When we arrive there is only a few people and it is very quiet. One man is from here in Russia and the other is from Iceland. We sit behind the Russians side. We can see that the man from Iceland is already losing. I can't see the face of the Russian but his moves are very fast and skillful. Just about ten minutes into the match we hear "checkmate." From the Russian. They shake hands and we clap for him. As the fans stand up the Russian turns around. He had dark black hair and soft brown eyes. I catch myself staring so I stand up and grabbed my purse. As I'm about to leave I see him look at me. His eyes a look into my blue ones. It feels like the world has gone away for just that moment until I hear my friends calling me. I quickly exit the event and we go out for lunch.
When I sit down at the little cafe in downtown I feel like I'm being watched. I brush it off thinking it's just my mind playing tricks on me again.
"Svetlana I think some man wants to talk to you." My friend says as I turn around and see the Russian chess player. He's sitting at the next table with who I assume to be his manager.
I feel my cheeks getting hot as he winks at me. I turn back around and start drinking my tea. My friends start laughing at me. "I think Svetlana is in love."
"I am not. Be quite."
I shush them.
"Excuse me ladies I hope you don't mind but I would like to talk to your friend here."
I hear someone say from behind me. I turn and stand up to be met with those brown eyes.
"Go ahead."
My friends laugh as I walk with him to his table.
"I will leave you too alone I have to get going anyway." The manager says as he gets up.
"See you tomorrow Molokov."
He waved goodbye then looks back at me.
"I saw you at the Chess match today. You looked so beautiful."
I blushed even more.
"In these old clothes don't be silly."
He chuckled.
"I hope I didn't distract you from your match. I would hate to be the cause of a loss."
"You didn't distract me at all actually I think you motivated me to do better."
I blushed again.
"You are so cute when you blush."
I looked down then I felt him put his hand under my chin. I looked back up at him.
"I'm Anatoly."
"I'm Svetlana."
"I want to get to know you better. Tell me about yourself."
We talked for hours about things I liked and things he liked. We talked so long I didn't even realize my friends left and went home. I found out that he has been playing chess since high school and he is only five matches away from being the new world champion.
"Do you need a ride home?"
"Actually yes I do."
"Me and you can share a cab if you want."
"Ok, thank you."
We both got in a cab and made our way to my Apartment. As we arrived he helped me out of the car then closed the door for me.
"Thank you so much for the ride. I really want to pay you back.."
"You don't have to it's on me."
"Your too kind Thank you."
"Svetlana wait. Can you meet me at the Chess match tomorrow, I would really like you to be there."
"Well tomorrow is my day off so yes I can make it. What time?"
"I can pick you up at ten."
I realized just then we were close. He looked at my lips then back to my eyes.
"Yes Anatoly?" I said looking at his lips.
"I-I Have this strange feeling. Almost like I'm falling."
"Falling from what?"
"Falling in Love, with you.."
Just then he leaned in and kissed my lips. I immediately kissed him back and put my arms around his neck. We kissed for what seemed like forever until we heard laughing and cheering from above us. I pulled back still holding him and looked up to my apartment window. My friends were looking down at us and laughing. I hid my face in his jacket then I looked back up at his eyes.
"Good night."
"Good night."
"I will see you tomorrow."
He let me go then I walked up the stairs and waved him goodbye.
Three weeks later
I'm sitting right behind Anatoly and his manager. He is just a few moves away from becoming the new world champion. The match has lasted about twenty minutes. I'm fidgeting with my bracelet hoping he will make a smart move. Once the Australian man makes his move Anatoly looks at the board then moves his queen.
The crowd starts cheering as Anatoly shakes the Australian mans hand. He turns to me and I give him a big hug.
"I couldn't have done it without you." He whispers in my ear.
After the award ceremony me and Anatoly finally get some alone time. We talk until his manager leaves then me and him go to his apartment. I kiss him as soon as he closes the door. He drops his bag and keys then wraps his arms around my waist. I'm in a complete state of bliss as he picks me up and presses me against the wall. I run my hands through his hair as he runs his hands down my body. He gently kissed my neck as I remove his jacket. He starts to take off my shirt as I get his off. I look at his muscular body and almost faint at the sight. He's so hot. Then he kisses my neck but harder and I moan in pleasure.
"Svetlana are you sure you want this?"
"I've never been more sure of anything in all my life." I say as he throws me on the bed and we both let our passions control us.
Two years later
"Do you Mr. Sergievsky take Svetlana to be your wife?"
"I do."
"Do you Ms. Ivanova take Anatoly to be your husband."
"I do."
"I now pronounce you Mr. Sergievsky and Ms. Sergievskya, you may kiss the bride."
Anatoly pulls me to him and we both share our first kiss as man and wife.

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