38. Stuck On You

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I can't believe that Liam Payne, punk, hard-ass, douche, is trying out for the soccer team. He never once mentioned that he was thinking about it, not once, and as surprising as this is I can't help but feel like he belongs on that field. Watching him play I can tell that he's so relaxed and dominating. No one would doubt that he loves the sport.

Liam has a talent for this, and I have no doubt that by the end of the tryouts Liam's name will be on the roster for the team. As I watch I can tell that some of the boys from the returning team are intimidated by Liam. They probably fear him, not only because of his appearance but also because they know Liam is a shoe in for the team. I see their frustration building every time they try to score a goal but can't manage to get it past Liam.

Coach suddenly announces that the game will end in five minutes and I can feel the sudden change in the atmosphere. The game is 0-0, but I have a feeling Liam won't settle for that.

I hear Liam shouting rapid orders to some boys on his team, and they move on his command. I watch in anticipation as the game comes to a close. A blonde haired, good build, boy steals the ball from who I believe to be Josh, from my French class, and runs with the ball to the other side of the field. He quickly passes it to another teammate who is quick on his feet. He is only inches from the goal but he is heavily guarded. From the other end of the field Liam gives blonde boy a nod. Blonde boy nods back and moves to the far end of the field where he starts to signal the boy who is heavily guarded. He nods as well and with a mighty kick to the ball he passes once again to blonde boy.

Blonde boy is ready to shoot when some guy from the returning team pushes him hard causing blonde boy to land hard on his back. Coach blows his whistle, declaring the game over. Liam strides over to the end of the field with a vengeance. I quickly get to my feet and make my way over to the crowd of men covering the poor boy who got pushed badly.

As I near them I could hear Liam shouting at the guy who caused the mishap. Coach shouts at them to shut up and continues to examine the boy. There seems to be no major injury but by fault, coach declares the newbies the winners.

A hint of a smile appears on Liam's lips but disappears when he helps his new friend up. "Are you alright mate?" Liam ask him.

Blonde boy smiles and responded, "I'm fine. Thanks Liam."

"Take it easy Ryan, that arsehole pushed you down hard."

"Yeah I know. Ima go home. See ya later... mate." Ryan tells Liam as he walks off the field with a limp. Poor Ryan I do hope he gets better.

I approach Liam in hopes that he is no longer angry at me. When he turn I notice the light brown color in his orbs and I know he is no longer angry with me. "Hey." I speak standing only two feet away from him.

"Hey." He responds, closing the space between us.

I look into his eyes as he looks into mine. This honestly feels like a cheesy movie moment that someone just wants to laugh about. "I'm mad at you, ya know."

"Is that so?" He smirks. "And what have I done to earn your ire?" The fresh sent of his breath brushes my face and for a moment I felt like I was high, high of him.

I shake my head trying to clear my thoughts. "Liam why didn't you tell me you were trying out? That's something a girlfriend should know." I complained.

"I was going to tell you at lunch but then that fucker came." Liam confessed. "Fuck Lesly, we always fight because of him."

"No, we don't fight because of Max we argue because of your jealousy issues." I hissed. "Really Liam why don't you trust me. You know how I feel about you."

The field is now deserted leaving just Liam and I. Liam suddenly started to laugh without humor. "Do you wanna know the reason why I don't trust you with any other guy Lesly?" He asked in a serious, no shit, tone. I nod, unable to find my voice. "Did you honestly think I wouldn't find out? That someone wasn't gonna tell me?" He ask, but I know he doesn't want an answer back. "At first I didn't believe what I was told, but then I was given proof. Fuck was I angry!" He exclaimed.

"What are you talking about?" I question, confused by his allegations.

"Are you really that fucki obtuse? I'm talking about you and Harry!" He snaps.

Harry and I? "There is nothing going on between myself and Harry. How can you possibly believe that I would cheat on you?"

"I know you kissed him the damn night we all hung out Lesly. Don't try to lie. I fucking saw you! I was so pissed. Man was I pissed. But I knew better than to approach you and Harry. Then and there I decided to ruin your perfect life." Liam confessed.

I step back, I can't and don't wish to believe his words. If he saw Harry and I that night why didn't he just breakup with me and make my life miserable that way? There's more to this story. My subconscious acknowledges. "Tell me why you didn't breakup with me than Liam." I say trying to hold back a sob.

Liam wraps both his hands on either side of my upper arms, holding me in place. "Because I fell in love with you." We gaze at one another as I let his words sink in. Because I fell in love with you. He's in love with me.

Without warning Liam pressed his lips against mine. The hunger of this kiss is uncontrollable. I just want more, I want Liam to make me forget about the world but us. I place my hands over his moving them down to my waist. His fingers dig into my skin making me moan into our heated kiss. Wrapping my arms around his neck I pull him closer to me. I want to feel him. I don't care if he just confessed his plan to ruin my life, I don't care that we're outside on the school soccer field, I just want him in every way possible. "Please forgive me." I plead against his lips. Liam halts our kiss, looking into my eyes. "I love you Liam. Not him. You." I lean into him once more and kiss him with as much force as I could manage.

Liam pulls away from our kiss, resting his forehead against my own. "Only if you forgive me, and we forget about this whole mess. Deal?"

"Deal." I hug him tightly, rubbing our noses together in an Eskimo kiss.

"I gotta go get my stuff from the locker rooms. If it's still open anyways. "He sighs. "C'mon."

Walking hand and hand to the locker rooms I can't help but think about how bipolar we must seem. We fight, make up, fight, make up. The same old routine over and over. I still have to ask Liam about who told him about what had happen between his cousin and I and of what proof he was shown. It can't be that bad. All Harry and I have done is just kiss. Nothing more and nothing less.

Approaching the door we spot Liam's things on the floor by the door. I guess coach saw them in there when he was closing up and decided to just leave them out by the door. "At least nothing was stolen."

"Yeah I guess." I pull his left arm trying to catch a glimpse of the time from the watch on his wrist. It's only 6:30, it felt like much later.

"How about you come over to mine? It's still pretty early and I want to hangout. We haven't done that much." I pout.

He raises a brow in surprise. "Your place? You've never invited me before. Aren't your parents gonna be there?"

I shake me head 'no', answering his last question. "No my parents won't be there. Mondays they always stay late at the office. I don't really know why but I guess it's somewhat of a date night for them." I explain. 

Liam smiles down at me, with a loving gaze. The loving gaze I had wished for only this morning. "Well Fuentes lead the way."


I am truly and incredibly sorry for not updating in such a long while. I'm having at little writers block but that is no excuse so I am sorry.

I will update again tomorrow to make it up to all of you who read this story but please still vote and comment on this chapter.

Thank you and sorry.


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