Fletch's letters

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Dear Jac,

It's been five days since you went into your coma, so I thought I would write you this to tell you what's been going on for when you wake up, if you wake up. I thought I'd tell you my thoughts and feelings as well. So here goes.

Well to start off with I'm going to tell you that you are missed. People miss you. You get regular visitors everyday but I make sure that they're on their on their break or they've finished their shift, Wouldn't want the hospital falling apart now would we? Let's see, Sacha has come three times, Essie's come once and even Becky came when she found out from the crèche. She keeps calling you 'Jackie'. I can't tell wether it's funny or not. Anyway, I haven't bought Emma to see you, I figured you wouldn't want that. I've told her that mummy's gone away for a while, that it was an emergency and you're very sorry for not being able to say goodbye. See Jac, I know you better than you think.
Moving on, Darwin isn't the same without you. Everything's too quite, peaceful and it's falling apart. I'm the only person in 'charge' now and it's really not going well. I can't focus. I can't walk past your office without going in and, god help me for admitting this, sitting in your chair. That's where I spend my breaks. Well either in your office or sat here next to you, like I am now. I can just see your red fiery hair spread out on the pillow. Your hands are placed by your side, except from when I hold them. I can't bear to see you like this. Please wake up soon Jac. I miss you.

From Fletch.

Dear Jac,
It's now been about a week since you fell into your coma. Things haven't improved. They haven't gotten worse either. We need someone who's strong, determined and someone who can handle us all. Someone like you Jac. This ward needs you. We need you. I need you. I need you to wake up and tell me to go do my job. I need to hear your voice. Hear you fire your insults. I can't live like this anymore,Jac.

From Fletch.

Dear Jac,
It's now been 10 days and this is going to be my last note to you.
I can't live without you Jac. I've realised I need you in my life because I love you. I love you Jac Naylor. And if you'll accept then I'd like to be more than friends. Your my favourite person, you know that? You and the kids make my day, everyday. So all I need is for you to wake up and recover. Please Jac. Please.

Lots of love
Fletch xx

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