I love you Jac

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A tear fell down her cheek as she read his letters. Did he really love me? She thought. I mean how could anyone love me? It had been half an hour since she woke and found the notebook with Fletch's letters. She had been in her coma for 12 days. Despite her agonising pain, she reached over to her bedside table and grabbed her phone. She found her way to her contacts and called Fletch. He picked up instantly.
"Hello?" He sounded confused.
"Hi Fletch, I'm awake."
"Jac! Don't move I'll be right up!"
"No no it's ok," she replied but it was too late, he had hung up the phone.

It was about two and a half minutes before Fletch entered the room where Jac was. She was on her own, Fletch thought she would've preferred it like that.
"Jac I'm so glad your awake," his eyes darted from her eyes to her hands. One was holding her phone and the other was holding his notebook. With the letters. Where he admitted he loved her.
" Ah so you've read them." He mumbled.
"Yes I've read them."
She stayed silent.
"I love you Jac. I really do," he begun as he made his way to his usual chair. " And I completely understand if you don't feel the same way."
" Go do your work Fletch. I'll be back in action sooner than you think. Just you wait and see. Now go before you get in trouble with Hanssen." Fletch smiled at this.
"I'll be back at the end of my shift." He left.

Jac picked up the notebook and a pen. She flicked it open to the first available page. She wrote something for Fletch as I he had done for her.

I'll keep this short and...sweet. I love you too. I love you Fletch. With all my heart. I loved your letters and I thank you.
Lots of love,

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