Before the funeral

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It was the day before her funeral and two weeks since she had died. The Fletchling's and Emma were staying at his mums, he thought it was better this way for a while. He would see them tomorrow anyway.
Fletch was sat on his sofa going through the various messages he received when everyone found out about Jac. He had not been on his phone since. There was one from Essie.

I am so so sorry about Jac. I'm here if you ever want a shoulder to cry on, like you were there for me. Loss is awful and this soon after RAF, well I'm just so sorry.
Essie xx

He felt the tears roll down his face again. There was a message from Sacha as well.

I'm sorry. We did everything we could. If you want to know the cause of death all you need to do is ask. I'll be there tomorrow. We can support each other like Jac would've supported us. She supported the people who she cared for. It became obvious that you had feelings for her and she had feelings for you. I'm so sorry. I'll see you at the funeral.
Sacha x

He stopped reading the messages after that. He couldn't hear about how people were sorry. He wanted Jac. To hear her voice again. Of course, her voice. He remembered that when he was in the car on his way back home from seeing Jac, that he had had a missed call from her. He hadn't remembered until now. Fletch got up the voice mail. Ok, one...two...three...He pressed play.

Hi Fletch it's me Jac, although you probably would've guessed by the caller ID. *she chuckled* Anyway I was calling to tell you something. Half of what I wrote and half is new.
I wanted to tell you that I love you. I wanted you to hear me say it because I thought you wouldn't believe it. But it's true. I Jac Naylor love you Adrian Fletcher. I want to be with you. But it does come with a warning. A warning that I might hurt you, not on purpose, but "it's in my nature" apparently.
You and Emma make my day everyday and I couldn't ask for anything better. You make me complete. So when I see you tomorrow, we can talk. About everything we haven't been. I'll see you later Fletch. I love you, Jac.

Tears were pouring down his face as he lowered his phone from his ear. These were the last words for Fletch. These words he would treasure forever.
He scrunched himself up into a ball as he continued to cry. He didn't know what to do. There was no one to talk to. Yes, he had Sacha and Essie but he couldn't bear to talk to them right now. So instead he just stayed curled up and cried himself to sleep. How am I going to get through this?

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