Rick's New Family

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You have slept with Rick only once and your already worried about a baby.

You missed your call from mother nature.  It's been about 2 weeks since it happened.

You made a run on your own and took a pregnancy test and now waiting for the results.

Your extremely nervous.  What would you do if your pregnant.  Lori died giving birth here recently.

Hershel, the only medical trained person in the group, has just got his leg amputated.   Everything's going bad and if your pregnant it makes it worse.

Finally you muster the courage to look at it.  There on the little stick is two parallel lines.

You start crying softly. "Great. Just great. This is exactly what we need."

A sudden bang on the door makes you jump and raise your weapons.  You came out here alone.

"Y/N. I know your in there. Open up. Please." Rick's voice echoes in your ears.

You lower your weapons and open the door letting him in.  You forgot about the test on the floor until Rick picks it up.

"Your pregnant?"  He asks.

You tear up and look down.  "It was one time but now there's this."

"Y/N? Do you think I would hate you for being pregnant?" 

You nod and say, "Your wife die giving birth and Hershel just had his leg amputated. With another baby it will be harder on the group."

"It won't be harder babe and if the group don't like the idea... we'll leave. "

"Rick we can't just leave.  It's too dangerous to be out in this world.  Pregnant or not."

"I want this baby.  If the group don't approve I'll fine a place that will. " Rick walks over to you and kisses you sweetly and full of passion.

A smile crosses over your face.  He would always make you happy.  He's the reason you fight everyday.  You have nothing but him, and now his baby.

Tears start streaming down your face.  You move forward and wrap your arms around his neck and hold him close.

"Thank you Rick.  I love you so so much."

He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls your body parallel to his and kisses your head.

"I love you to Y/n" he pulls back and kneels down in front of you and puts his head on your stomach, "and our baby."

Your smile smile grows bigger and you cry tears of joy and holds his hands that are firmly on your hips.

**5 years later at Alexandria**

You wake up to your daughter jumping up and down on you.

"Baby, " you start laughing as she does the same to Rick, who is asleep beside you, "let daddy sleep. "

"To late I'm up"  Rick raises up suddenly and grabs his daughter and pulls her down in between the two of you.

She giggles and squirms around.  "Daddy! Daddy! Stop it please!"

You laugh harder at the two of them laughing and playing beside you.

"Come on babe.  Emma starts school today.  She can't be late for the first day."

With that being said they both freeze.  Emma's, your daughter's, eyes start sparkling.

"Thats right. Come on let's get you dressed baby girl."  Rick says getting up and picking her up and leaving the room.

You smile again and get up to get dressed yourself.

When your dont you go down stairs and start breakfast.  Since things like bacon or sausage and other breakfast items aren't around anymore you created a better way to eat oatmeal.

When you were out scavenging the other day you found some cinnamon.  The community has made bee hives and now you have honey.

You make the oatmeal and put some honey and cinnamon in it and call the to people you love more than anything down for breakfast.

"WOW! Delicious as always mommy!"  Emma says with a lit up face and gobbling down on her oatmeal.

"I'm glad you like it baby girl." you say to her.

"Your the best cook I know Honey."  Rick says gicing you a quick, loving kiss on the lips.

You smile again.  "Thats not true."

"You are to us Y/n."

"Yeah! Mommy's the best cook in the world."  Emma says throwing her hands up gesturing the the world.

"Thank you my loves" You say meaning both of them.

After the dishes are cleaned and put away you all head out down the streets of Alexandria.

This place has kept you and the others safe from the dead.  The living tried to distroy it or take control of it.  But we managaged to fight them off and gained new trading roots with two other communities.

Everything is perfect right now.  Your daughter is growing up in a safe environment.  Your family/group is safe.  The love of your life is safe and still yours.

You thought you where gonna lose him to a katana wielding women but luckily he stayed yours.

Life is perfect with so much love and care.  Even though the world is filled with the dead that try to eat you.

We fight the dead and fear the living.  We are the living/walking dead.

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