Dixons and The Train Reck part 2

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**Few hours later**

You jolt awake at the feeling of someone watching you. You look at the door you closed before you layed down but now it's open.

"So your finally awake." Merle's voice echoes in the room.

You jerk your head towards him. You still have the feeling of more eyes on you and you turn to look at the other side of the room and see Daryl sitting in a chair.

"You slept for a while. We thought sum'thin' happened to ya, so we came ta check on ya." He says.

"OK... So why are you both still in here?" You ask them.

"You looked so sexy sleeping there so I wanted to watch." Merle says.

"I stayed ta make sure Merle didn't do anything to ya." Daryl says.

"So they both like me?" You thought to yourself, but didn't realise you said it out loud.

"I won't lie but yeah I do like you. You have the most sexiest body I've ever seen! And your fighting skills! Mmm!" Merle says.

"Yeah same and you seem like a cool woman. And seem like ya have a good personality." Daryl chimes in.

Your cheeks turn a bit pink at their words. 'What do I do?!' You think to yourself.

"Um... I'm flattered really... But I've never really been liked by anyone before" You simply say.

Daryl and Merle share a quick glance then looks back at you confused.

"Ya got ta be jokin'!" Daryl exclaims a bit loudly.

"Yeah, what the hell! I would kill a man that says your not smoking hot!" Merle says back.

"Anybody that can't see that must be blind!" Daryl says.

You chuckle a little and shake your head. "No I'm not. I can never be 'smoking hot'." You say while doing the little hand gesture.

Merle grabs your arm a bit roughly and pulls you closer to himself. He picks your chin up and smashes his lips to yours.

Your eyes widen at the sudden kiss and you blush greatly. Daryl jumps up and pulls Merle off you.

"The hell ya think yer doin' man!!" He snaps at his older brother.

Merle looks at you and looks a little shocked at your expression. Your eyes wide, mouth slightly open, checks a blaze, and frozen in your place.

Daryl turns around and looks at you worriedly. "What's wrong Y/n? I'm sorry about him. He's nothin' but a player."

"That-that was my first..." You stumble to say.

"Ya idiot! What the hell where ya thinkin'!? We promised that neither of us where ta make a move on 'er!" Daryl say turning back to the theif of your first kiss.

"Look man I just wanted to shut her up. She's beautiful and she don't even know it. I didn't mean to take her first damn kiss!" Merle says putting his hands up in surrender.

"No. It's fine. Um... Don't worry about it really." You say softly, trying to reassure Daryl.

"It's not fine! We made a deal ta not make a move on ya but he goes a kisses ya!" Daryl snaps angerily.

"Then get even by kissing me too...." You say looking down.

Daryl let's go of Merle and looks down at you. "Seriously?"

You just simply nod. He kneels down next to the bed and puts his hand on your cheek to move your head to face him.

He gulps and leans up and kisses you sweetly. He lips are rough and cracked but that made it more enjoyable for some reason, and you kiss him back.

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