Coming Clean

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*This was a request from shmoofy. please read Kidnapped first because this will happen after that. Thank you*

**3 weeks later**

Everynight since you where brought here Negan had came into your 'room' and done his evil deeds.

Your hiding under your bed trying to hide from Negan like you have done for awhile now.

The door opens up slowly and the sound of unfamiliar boots enter the room.

"Y/n?" A low southern voice calls out your name but you stay quiet.

"Y/n are ya in 'ere? It's Daryl..." The voice calls again.

"Daryl....?" You say softly with a scratchy voice from screaming for help everynight.

"Come on. We're gettin' outta 'ere now!" He whisper yells.

You crawl out from under the bed.  You hear Daryl gasp at the sight of you. The scar left from the iron that was pressed to your face the cuts and bruises from Negan beating you senseless.

The short slutty black dress that has rips on the bottom of it from Negan ripping it off over your head. But one thing stood out the most out of everything. The 'N' shaped scare on your left check telling everyone that you belong to Negan.

Daryl quickly grabs your arm and you both sneak out of that hell hold.

**couple hours later**

Your walking out of a trailer at the Hilltop. Rick and the group have come to check on Maggie who was having pains from the baby.

The group knows that Daryl's here and have talked to him but they don't know that your there too.  You spot Rick and limp over to him.

"Rick!" You call with your still raspy voice.

Rick snaps his head towards you and runs over to you and engulfs you in a bone crushing hug.

You tense up from the filling of being touched and he quickly jerks back.

"What did he do to you Y/n?" He asks sadness present in his voice.

You look down and hold yourself.  "I don't want to talk about it..."

"Please tell me Y/n...." He says sadly. "Please...."

You sigh and look at him and come clean of the tournament you experienced at Negan's place.

"First he hit me with a belt. Several swings then he used the buckle of the belt. After that he constantly put cigarettes out all over my body. My arms, legs, back, everywhere. Then he... He took a hot metal iron and pressed it to the right side of my face... I passed out after that. The next morning he raped me... Every night for 3 weeks he'd come into the room and did it again. The last night he cut this 'N' into my cheek...." You cry out to Rick.

Rick stares at you with sad eyes and wants to hug you and tell you it's ok but you just step back and walk back to the trailer.

Rick's p.o.v.-

I watch as Y/n walks back to the trailer and sigh sadly.

"We have to kill Negan!" A voice says from behind me.

I turn around and see Carl.

"Carl! What the hell are you talking about!?" I approach him and readjust my holster.

"We have to kill Negan for what he did to Y/n! He hurt her and did horrible things to her!!" He yells with clenched fists.

"You heard all that? She didn't want anyone to know about that... How am I supposed to tell her that you eavesdropped on the conversation."

"I didn't mean to dad I walked by and heard what she was saying."

I shake my head and sigh. "I just go and tell her I guess... Don't tell anyone about what you heard. Will get Negan for what he did but in time."

"Whatever!" He throws his hands up in frustration and walks away.

I sigh again and walk over to the trailer and knock.

**Your po.v.-**

You hear a knock on the door and stand up from laying on the coach. You walk over to the door and open it.

"Rick? What is it?"

"Umm... Can I come it?" He asks quietly and rubs his face.

"Sure..." You open the door more and let him in.

You sit down on the coach and Pat the spot next to you but he doesn't sit beside you but on the table in front of you.

"Um... How am I gonna say this?" He scratches the back of his neck and looks to the floor.

"What is it Rick?"

"Carl... Overheard our conversation... I told him not to tell anyone about what happened to you. He wants to go and kill Negan for what he's done to you."

You tense up and shake a little bit. The memories of what happened flood your mind and you hold yourself tightly.

"It's ok y/n. We won't let him anywhere around you again. I swear." He says then gently and softly places a hand on your shoulder to not frighten you.

You jump into his arms and hold his shirt tightly. He wraps his arms around you gently and hold you making you relax and calm down.

"Thank you Rick. Your always here for me." You say softly and sniffles.

"We're family. Everyone in this group is your family and we comfort and protect each other no matter what." He says and gently rubs your back.

"I'm so happy to be in a group like this with all of you. Your the family in never had."

"And don't worry Y/n. We will get payback for what he did to you. He'll die a slow and painful death. I promise you that."

"Thank you Rick."

You both smile and laugh a little. Your family is everything and they are willing to kill to get payback for your suffering. And you the same for them.

**Author's Note**

Thank you for reading and I hope my first request turned out ok. Hope to get more requests soon. :3

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