Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: Belle

Belle gives birth to a baby boy. Belle and Gaston name the baby Edward. Belle loves her son and did not mind taking care of him.

Gaston helps Belle with the baby because he really wants the marriage to work. Maurice came to visit Belle to congratulate her and Gaston for the baby.

"Belle, a man named Loki tried to kidnap your cousin Lisa." Maurice said.

"Why would this man try to kidnap Lisa?" Belle asks.

"Loki's father helped your Uncle Martin pay a debt. His father wants your uncle to give one of your cousins' hand in marriage to Loki but your uncle never agreed to those terms."

"Is Loki in jail?"

"Yes, he is but I do not know how long he will be in for. I heard that Larry Hutchins, our governor, is helping Loki get out of jail."

"I can not believe that anyone would help that mad man."

Gaston and LeFou came walking in.

"What is going on?" Gaston asks.

"Your uncle is helping Loki get out of prison." Belle replied.

"I am sorry, Belle. I wish could help but I cannot stand my uncle and cousin. My uncle never lifts a finger to help my mother after my father died. He never approved of my father marrying my mother. If I go down there to talk to my uncle and my cousin on your uncle's behalf, my uncle would not listen to me."

"It's okay, Gaston, I do not blame you. I just feel bad for my cousin because if Loki gets out he will never leave them alone."

"Do not worry. LeFou and I are getting the town people together to protest Loki's release."

"Thank you, Gaston."

Belle wants to visit Rachel but Maurice told her that Prince Adam does not allow visitors, so Belle went to visit her cousin Queen Anastasia.

"Hello, Anastasia, how are you doing?" Belle asks.

"I am okay, just worried. How are you doing?" Anastasia asks.

"I am okay and I worry too. My dad told me that they are releasing Loki from jail."

"I know. I heard and my father is worried sick. He is worried that Loki might try to kidnap Rachel again."

Belle went home to cook chicken and potato soup for dinner and apple pie for dessert.

After she finishes the housework, she read Tom Sawyer. Belle got Edward's bottle ready so he could sleep. Edward was a good sleeper. Belle didn't miss much sleep ever.

Gaston came home with LeFou.

"Is Loki still in jail?" Belle asks Gaston.

"Yes, Loki's trial will be in two weeks. The judge will not let him out until his trial. I hope the town protest will help keep him in jail. My uncle is going to have a hard time helping Loki when all the people in our town are against it. He needs the people's votes. I don't know if my uncle will risk losing his votes to help Loki but, knowing my uncle, you never know." Gaston replied with a worryful face.

"I hope your uncle doesn't help Loki because my family does not need to live in fear." "Do not worry, Belle, I will do what I can to help your family."

Maurice came to eat dinner with Belle, Gaston, and LeFou.

"I think your uncle will help Loki secretly." Maurice told Gaston.

"I am not surprised. My uncle was never an honest man. My mom was entitled to get a lot of money but my uncle stole that money from Mom." Gaston replied.

"Gaston, you need to fight to get that money back to your mom and your family. Do not let your uncle get away with that." Belle replied.

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