Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: Princess Catherine

Andrew still loves Lisa and he was still heartbroken after they broke up. He was even more heartbroken when he learned that she was getting married to Prince Matthew.

He was already packing his bag to go to King George's castle. He heard that Princess Catherine was not the easiest person to get along with him, but he did not care that she was an ugly beast, but her bad attitude was worrying him. He lived in New York since he and Lisa broke up. He was not looking forward to going back to France, but he wanted to help Henry and King George.

When he arrived at King George's castle, he heard Princess Catherine screaming. He was even more scared. King George came walking in.

"Hello, you must be Andrew Madison. I am King George I heard a lot of good things about you. I hope you can help my daughter." King George sounded hopeful.

"I cannot promise anything, but I will try to do my best." Andrew said with confidence.

"That is all I ask. I know my daughter, Princess Catherine, is not the easiest person to get along with, but I am hoping that you have the patience to help her."

King George did not know if he wanted someone who is not royal blood to marry his daughter, but he did not have a choice.

Andrew went to meet Princess Catherine. He could not believe how ugly Princess Catherine was.

"Who is this idiot?" Princess Catherine asks her father.

"Catherine, you will not speak that way to our guest. This young man's name is Andrew and Andrew, this is my daughter Princess Catherine." King George introduced.

"Hello, Princess Catherine, it is nice to meet you." Andrew greeted.

"It is nice to meet you too." Princess Catherine greeted back. "Why don't you get settled Andrew? We can talk later."

The maid showed Andrew to his room.

"What is he doing here?" Princess Catherine asks.

"This young man is here to help you break the curse." King George explained.

"Why did you have to choose this guy to break the curse?" Princess Catherine asks.

"Catherine, there is not a long line of men that want to help break the curse. I cannot and won't force Prince Matthew to marry you. The witch also says that you must earn someone's love and he is in love with Lisa Ross. You cannot force someone to love you. Andrew is a patient man. I really believe Andrew could be the one to break the curse, so please try to get along with this man." King George pleads to Princess Catherine.

"Okay, I will." Princess Catherine agreed.

"I made dinner plans for you and Andrew and I want you to be in your best behavior, understood?"

"Okay, I will."

A big dinner was made for Princess Catherine and Andrew.

Andrew told Princess Catherine he was a reporter.

"What happened to your family?" Princess Catherine asks.

"They were killed in a car accident when I was ten years old. Martin Ross took me in." Andrew explained.

"I am sorry to hear that. My mother died in childbirth. I never knew my mother."

"Does your dad talk about your mom?"

"No, I never see my dad that much because he is always going away. My nanny took care of me. My dad never spends any time with me."

Andrew and Princess Catherine had a wonderful time at dinner.

Andrew talked about the trip he took for his job. Princess Catherine felt comfortable talking to him. He was not like the other guys she knew. No guy was open enough to listen to her. He sat and listened to everything she said She could not believe that because most people would walk off and leave her talking to herself. He enjoys talking to Princess Catherine. He also felt bad for Princess Catherine because she never had anyone to love her. He knew King George loved his daughter, but he had a funny way of showing it.

King George was happy that dinner went well.

"Andrew, I want to thank you for helping my daughter. I have never seen my daughter laugh that way." King George said.

"I am happy to help. I think your daughter is a great person but has her share of problems. I think she is a very angry person," Andrew said.

"I was thinking of getting Catherine some tickets to the ballet. King Alex has these rings that make people invisible. I thought you and Catherine could go to the ballet. She will go if she uses the ring to make her invisible."

"I am not a fan of ballet, but I will go."

The next day, Princess Catherine and Andrew went to the ballet using the rings. Princess Catherine had a wonderful time. When the ballet ended, she had a surprise for Andrew: soccer tickets.

"Thank you, but you did not have to do this." Andrew told Princess Catherine.

"Yes, I did. I know you did not like the ballet, but you went anyway, so this is my way of saying thank you. When they were on their way home Princess Catherine saw Rose talking to Loki. When they got home, Princess Catherine told her father.

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