Chapter Twelve:

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It was late at night, and Justin and I couldn't sleep. So he decided to make some tea.

"So when did you know that you were a virgin healer?" I ask drinking my tea.

"Well... I was sixteen. And... I had a girlfriend at the time. We decided we were going to... Have sex. So while we were... In the mist. She felt my powers..."

"Did she get hurt?" I ask.

"No... We broke up and she... Never talked to me again." He says sadly.

"Aw. I'm sorry." I say.

"It's okay." He smiles sipping his tea. "What about you?" He asks after a while.

"What about me?" I ask putting my cup on the table.

"Tell me something about you."

"Um... Well. I-I've never had a boyfriend before." I stammer looking at my hands.

"What? Why not?" He asks shocked.

"Because... They've only wanted one thing. And I was never completely confident in giving it away."

"Oh. So basically you've been single for... Twenty three years?"

"Yep. Basically." I smirk.

God you're so beautiful.

My head pops up to see him staring at me, a small smile on his face.

"Um... Well that hot tea kind of hit the spot." I say tired.

"I told you. It works ever time." He smiles.

I yawn standing up from the couch, as Justin stands up as well.

"Good night Justin." I yawn.

"Good night sweetheart." He says pecking my cheek before I walk upstairs to my room.

<next morning>

You are more to him then you know.

You complete him in ways other women can't.

He's your other half.

Without you he's nothing.

He needs you Justine.

He needs you.

I jump up out of my sleep, panting trying to catch my breath. I look around to see that I'm still staying at Justin's mansion. The sun was beaming into the room which told me it was morning. I lay back on the bed, trying to regain myself.

What was that dream about?

Who needs me?

And why do I keep heading Justin's voice in my head?

I shake away those thoughts and go to my phone. There were a few texts from my mom and Julie, Julian's mom. But nothing to major.

Then I go to my twitter. I haven't been there in a long while.

@justinegrace I heard you're working with @justinbieber. When will the pics be out?

@justinegrace how's the photoshoot coming? 😍

@justinegrace heard your still a virgin. Is @justinbiebef gonna help you with that too?😏

I sigh a little. So blessed to have a small fanbase. But I know after Justin's photoshoot, I'll be bigger. And I don't think I'm ready for that.

@justinegrace: good morning. Beautiful sunny day. Think I'll take pics 📷😘😏

I see a tweet on my timeline from Justin.

@justinbieber: feels like she's the one. But she doesn't know yet

I bite my lip a little, knowing he could see. is he talking about me?

"Good morning love." A voice rasps from the door.

I look up to see Justin dressed for the day. White t-shirt, jeans and black and white Supras.

"Morning." I say.

"Wow. I never knew it was possible to look beautiful this early in the morning." He smirks.

"Oh whatever." I giggle.

He walks into my room and sits on the bed.

"So... I have meeting with some people. Are you okay with being alone?"

"Uh... Sure. I'll just snap shots for the photo shoot later." I smile.

"Cool. I promise they won't be long. If you get an urge, just call me, okay?"

"Okay." I say nodding.

"Good." He says pausing.

He stares at me for a few seconds, looking at my lips then my eyes.

God I just want to kiss you. That voice says.

"J-Justin?" I stammer.

"Yeah?" He asks looking up at my eyes.

"I-if you want a kiss... Just... Ask." I chuckle softly. He lets out a nervous laugh, lowering his head.

"Can I have a kiss?" He ask raising his head up and tilting it to the side a little.

"S-sure. Y-you can have a kiss." I say nervous myself. He leans in slowly, pecking my lips.

"Umph... So sweet." He rasps licking his lips as he goes in for another peck. Then another. And another.


"Yeah?" He mumbles, keeping his lips on mine.

"You might wanna stop. You have a meeting remember?" I mumble against his lips.

He parts, whining a little. " I don't wanna go though."

"Just go. I'll be here when you get back." I reassure.

"Promise?" He says like a toddler.

"I promise hunny bun. Now go." I coo pinching his chubby cheeks.

"Okay." He whines pecking my lips two quick times before he gets up and walks out of the room.

What's he doing to me?

(A/n: love you for reading.

Tweet with hashtags.

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Love you😘🌺)

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