Chapter 5

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I left the house and got my bubble tea only to run into a rather small boy "watch where your going!!" I shout at him, he looks scared "Well aren't you going to apologise!" I see him gulp and slowly starts to bow not really sure what to do.
I roll my eyes and shove past him. People are so rude here.

Jimins POV

I see the girl roll her eyes at me and she shoves past me. I turn around to watch her walk away
"Jimin come on, what are you waiting for?!"
"Sorry Jin I distracted"
"Well hurry up the other hyungs are going to beat us if we're late" I nod in agreement and carry walking with Jin still trying to register what happened with that girl and what she said. Only if I could speak English.

Your POV

I got home put my bubble tea on the side and put on the radio so I can try and understand Korean culture more. I start to hear this really catchy song it's by this band called BTS and I think it's called 'War of Hormone' according to Yasmin they're a bit popular. I mean their songs are good.

I go through my wardrobe to try and find an appropriate outfit to wear but I can't choose what to wear if I don't know where we're going. So I decide to text him

Me- Hey we're we going tonight?

Namjoon- What?

Me- Oh sorry hi Namjoon can you pass the phone to Jungkook for me please thank you

Namjoon- Sure

Me- 😊

Namjoon- Hi Holly!

Me- Hi, where are we going tonight

Namjoon- Maybe cinema and then get food

Me- Ok well see you soon

Namjoon- Yeah bye

I now know exactly what to wear

Jungkook POV

I look up from the phone to see Namjoon standing in front of me hands crossed tapping his foot. I smile and give him his phone trying to run before he can question me but, of course that can never happen.
"Oh no where do you think your going"
"Um I think J- Hope is calling me" and just my luck J- Hope happened to walk past "what I didn't call you"
"See he didn't call you explain now young child' Dammit, I gave a Death stare to J-Hope who was innocently eating.
I turned to face Namjoon "I'll tell you but not here" he nodded and we both went into an available studio. We both sat down "ok I just want to tell you it's not a big deal me and Holly and just meeting up after practice that's all"
"Ok wasn't that hard was it" Namjoon grinned and walked to the door but hesitated looked at the floor in thought then carried on.
I looked at the time an saw it was already 5:17 and I was started to get nervous

Time skip to 6pm
Your POV

I looked at myself one more time at the mirror and I was wearing a pair of ripped jeans, a black flowery pattern shirt with a black bomber and of course my white Puma shoes. I thought it was a cute outfit.
Then I hear a car outside and see Jungkook in his car fixing his hair. I laugh to myself and quietly walk outside to scare him 'Nice hair you got there' I laugh as he gets scared.
'Get in' I hopped in the car and thought to myself
Tonight's gonna be interesting

Poor Jimin!!
I'm sorry Chimchim
Anyway hope you enjoyed the first part of their date I'm sorry I didn't really do much of the date I wanted to go into detail of other things and I'm SOO sorry it's so short

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