Clarke and her parents were on their way to the Blake's house, for the holidays. \ On their way, they got into an accident and all died, except Clarke. Realizing she lost her phone and wasn't far from the Blakes, she ran until a car almost hit her...
So I've been doing somewhat better but nightmares are the ones that really get now.
It's senior year. Bellamy, Octavia, and I have the house to ourselves. Aurora had to go on a work trip, but we all know what that means..(she's probably not coming back) so Octavia decided to have a house party. We began to invite people and by the next day, everyone in the school knew about it.
After school (its Friday) O and I finished getting the drinks and decorations done and so we left to get ready. Jasper, Monty, Murphy, and Bellamy did the rest of the work. Raven ended up joining us and she invited her boyfriend Finn. None of us liked him, but we kept our mouths shut and smiled. Raven was the first to get ready.
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Then we helped O get ready. This is her look.
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As for me, I just let Raven and Octavia pick me something, and I just went along.
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"Are you guys sure that this looks fine?"
"Clarke c'mon you look hot!''
"She's right Clarke, now c'mon let's go party there's like a hundred people here already!" said O.
"Okay let's go!"
"Hey I'll see yall later, ima go find Finn" said Raven
"Okay! See ya." we said.
"Hey C (this is Octavia) you wanna go dance?"
"Sure I'll meet you there okay"
"OK hurry tho"
I began to walk around to see if I could find Bell. Once I found him 3 girls were literally surrounding him along with Miller, Murphy, and some other jerks he's friends with. As I was walking away, I felt someone call my name but I kept going until they grabbed my arm and made me turn to look at them. It was Bellamy.
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"Hey princess didn't know you were finally done. You look hot by the way," he smirks. "Thanks Bell, you don't look too bad yourself" Then one of Bellamy's friends calls him over, and he says "let's talk later?" I simply nod my head and walk back to Octavia.
We danced for a few hours and began to drink. A LOT. Octavia's boyfriend Lincoln arrived a bit later and she pretty much ditched me too.I then began a drinking game with Monty and Jasper but they got drunk a lot faster than I did. Memories of my parents, the accident, they all came flooding back into my mind but I kept on going.
The next thing I remember is that there was someone next to me. It was a guy and he began to put his hand on my leg. I kept pushing him away, but he wouldn't budge. I kept trying until he grabbed my arm and tried to take me somewhere. I was so drunk I couldn't move or scream anymore (over the loud music), so after struggling so much I gave up. But I saw someone approaching us...Bellamy. He grabbed the guy and before I knew it he began to punch him.
"BELLAMY STOP! YOU'LL KILL HIM" was all I could manage to say.
He was going punch him again, but he stopped (threatened) and kicked him out. I sank to the floor and began to cry. I then felt arms wrap around me and instantly I knew it was Bellamy. He carried me inside and made sure that I was okay. After I said I was fine multiple times and that I wanted to keep partying he finally gave in.
"I'm not leaving you alone, okay?" "Fine Bell, but can we not mention this to O?."
"Anything you want princess".
~~~~~~Hope you enjoyed... Sorry if it's not what you expected!~~~~~~