This is what i dream of ( black butler joker x oc)

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For my oc it will be myself haley. know it's spelled weired bu oh well. im als a cat demon in this story justt 2 let u know that will come in handy later. im also doin the chapter like diffrent days.

I was a forumer servent at the phantomhive manor but with teh stress of ciel alway trying to use me to get out of the engadgment with lizzie. And sebastian conastant flirting. it kinda got anyoing. for a speical assigmnet i had to travle wtih sebatian and ciel. to go under cover and find ut whats happing with these missing children. when we arrive there we watch the show and sebastian is called dowwn to the stage and of course he gose for the tiger. making a fool out of beast the animal trainer.after the show we were about to leave when the young man with flame orange hair wearing a purple trench coat with a cheecked shirt on with his brigth yellow bow stop's me  and sebastian from leaving he say's he want to take him back to the irst aid tent to see if he's ok. when they return u can't help but stare at his butiful eye's. as he waved good bye i was't paying attion and the other began walking away with out me so i looked like a fool. when i finaly caugth up with tehm sebastian explained to us what was going on. when we returned to the manshion i was tired so i slept till the next day. when i woke up the next day i had to get dressed and meet the other's down stairs we left for the circus when we arrived there i standed there next to sebastina till the man form yester day. could help but look into his lavender eyes. he greeted us with a brigth smile just like when he started the show yester day sebastian inro duced us as servent form a manshion. as i walked into the ground i was amazed but all the tent's. the man showed us around and asked what our talent's were ciel responed to the question with dart's and showed him what he had but was saved byr sebastian with a pebble. it was my turn to show joker what i had i told him to satnd back and turned into a albion lion for i was a cat demon i could change into firece lions, amajestic tiger or even a common house cat and any other type of cat. i justt liked my paw as the other looked at me like i was;t supoed to do that were joker was amazed. i turned back to my human fourm. as i was gretted with joker's compliments. i just thanked him we all walked towards the second bigest tent so we could meet the other's. as we enterd joker anounced to them of the new traines. he urged me to show them my talent so i had changed into a tiger with glden orange fur. the other looked amazed and beast face ws dumb founded i trouted around and walked the tigth rope.and jumped down and changed back. they looked at me. not a word was said till joker broke the silent's with was't that amazing i glanced over at him and amiles then i was rushed with a bunch of questions. but joker had inturputed and said they can wait. and he had assigend everyone tent's except me aseveryone rushed of he came over to me and said there a shortage of tent's and he offerd me to stay with him. who could i not decline the offer i said with a smile on my face. as we aprched the tent he opend the cutains and allowed me in. he fasend the curtains as i sat on teh bed and of course there was only one bed i thougth score to myself. he sat down next to me and asked some question's. i told him about my life at the manor and how i just wanted to leave when i said my old master was ciel his lavader eye looked surprized. i had ignored it and asked about his past he said that he was abondon in east end and meet the other first tier members he told me about the sruggle and said that a man had took them in and how he protects the old work house. after a while of talking we decied to got ot bed. i took teh rigth side and he got the left.

(a/n) ok people i know this is knda wierd but it gets better just to let u know

This is what i dream of ( black butler joker x oc)Where stories live. Discover now