A break

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The next moring when i awoke i found myself on the floor wraped in joker's arm's. i rembered evrthing that had happend that nigth but i cleared it from my head. finaly i pushed joker over as his sleeping body fell to teh floor then he wokeup suddelny as i smirked as he gave me a scrolded look. i stood up covering my brest and headed twors my vanity and grabed my spare bra and put it on. and sliped on a short black cotton dress held up by 2 string's. once i got tha on i turned back twords joker and walked back to my bed and grabbed the thing of strawberries from my nigth stand. i took the note and riped it allowing the peice to fall. when i aproched joker i sat on the floor next to him and place a berrie in his mouth he smirked as i ate one. he placed his hand under my chin and looked into my eye's i will away's love u he said. i went in for a hug and dug my face into his neck. i will to i said into his neck. i pulled out of the hug and loked at him. i sat there and place my head on his leg's and closed my eye's. he placed his hand on my head and combed my hair with his finger's. i smirked ligthly then dagger came into my tent miss haley he yelled but was quickly relized at the sigth of joker. Sorry boss he said as he walked slowly backward's out the door. we better get going i said as i stood up and held my arm out to joker. he griped my arm and pulled himslef up satanding next to me. hwe genaly placed his arm around my shoulder's and i nuddged my body clsoer to his as we walked twords the food tent we saw the other first tier member's eating. i sat down next to joker at a long table along with the rest of member's. i told joker that i was't hungrey and that he could go get food. he looked at me and made a sad looking face but shruged it of and went to get food. while he was away i deceid to take my leave and head for the bath's. when i  arived there was no one there so i grabed a few bucket's of water and brougth them back to teh huge random proslion tub in my tent i dumped them in and lit a fire underneath once the water warmed up i slowly began to strip removing my short black dress and my cape. when i reached my bra and under ware i steped in feeling the relife of teh warmth of the water. and i sunk my body in more i relaxed but my mussle's tigthed and lossend. once i found my self comftorble i began to rub my slef down with soap. i caught a shadow out of the corner of my eye and looked to find joker walking onto my tent. i quickly coverd my brest and looke up at him. why ye run of he said looking down at me. well i was't hungrey so i decide to take a bath i said. he begna removing his bow and unbuttoning his vest. i glanced up at him and said what do u think ur doing ! in a harsh tone. he looked at me and said im getting in as he removed hsi coat and brgan un buttoning his under shirt. reavlign his chest. as i glance own i notice his hand's un buttoning hi pant's as i waited with antipation. once he had removed those he stiped of hiss boxer's reaving his member and he walked cloer to me i coud't help but satre i ahb't really got to look at his whole body befor. once he got over next to my bath tub he looked down at me and ask my face is up here he said. as i lost though i glance up at him embaresed and  blushed as he got his body into the tub next to me i moved myself to make some room. as i looked at him our gaze meet but his eeys slowl began to crep down my body and in a panic i removed my ahnd from between my leg's. were u ! he said lookig surpirzed i paniced again and made a dumb face revling my teeth and blushed i embarsment and turned my head away. he ignored that and turned my head to face him i just closed my eyes and hafe smiled.  U know if u wanted the real thing all u had to do is ask he said and he mounted atop of my body. i open my eye's and scketced here we can't ! i said. say's who he said as he spetreted my leg's and thursuted into my area. ahhhhh that still hurts i was't done yet waring up i yelled as he moved back inforth making wav'es in the water. as i griped the wall's of the tub in pain and he thrusted on. it will onl hurt for a few minute he smirked. ahhh u i replied as i saw his torso moving as wave almost drowed me. i  lifted my head up a little as the pain went slowlyaway. as he quicked his pacd my body boded up in down in thr water. i glanced over and griped hsi shoulder's lcoking my self in palce i looked down and saw his chest and torso moving with effor. some one is tigth he panted wi i bterwen breath's. i smikre and leg my body give in to him as he quicked the pace i coud't hear the ussal sound beacuse it was muted by the warter. as i tigherd my grip on his shoulder's i could feel y hart beating in my chest  and i could feel the wave';s bob up and down with his ever movement. all i could hear is the movmnetr of the water and our breath's as my body jerked up and down in the water. as i feelt we were arpoching our climax he removed one of his hand's and  held on to the wall with the other as he grabed my rigth brest and massaged it roughly. Joker i screamed in betwen breaths. as he throusted the haredest i felt him go the pain went away. now that's better he smirked as he thrusted deeper into me then he suddenly pulled out and thrusted back into be with sheer fource. Oh joker ! i screamed as i palced my hand on his shoulder's and griped tehm tigther. i take it u like that he said. as he made hsi way deeper into my body. he pulled out again and thrusted back in side of me with more foruce then befor. i bit my buttom lip and felt blood ruch to the surface of my skin. once joker finaly slowed his pace he brougth it back up again and pulled out agin and thrusted back in side of me as i griped on for life. as he quicked his pace quickly. he said im going to cum as he thrusted one more time and relased insdie of me. he pulled out and steped out of the water and grabed a towel. as i stood up i feelt pain in my hips but ignored it and ran over to hug him. Joker that was amazing i said  and he wraped me in a towel. fianly once we dried of i place my bra and underware back on and place my dress cape and shorts on as i sat on the bed and watched joker get dressed. after that he went to the mirror to  put fressh make up on and hfix up his hair. as i walked over to him and asked what should we do now. i don't know we still the rest of the day he said as he returned my hug. u smell nice he siad smelling my freshly wahsed hair and the soap on my neck. once w efinsihed our hug i grabed him by the arm and dragged him out hte tent. as he walked along. we walked around Joker we should go some ware today i said as i turned around to meet his gaze. were do ee plan to go he said as he made a straw berrie apaer out of his hand as he smiled and gave it to me and gave himself one. i smiled asd said thank's and ate it. i don't know we don't have any show's this week why don't we all go on a vacation far a few day's we can bring snake hannah and dagger would't that be fun ! i said with a smile on my faec as i walked twod's him and bagged on my knees. How can i say no he siad in a happy tone but wear too he said. Oh i know i said as smiled i havr the key's to ciel's beech ouse i said with a smirk as i grabed his arm and yanked him with me as  i ran twords hannah and snake's tent. as i ran twors her tent with joker hanging on. as i ran through there tent door with hesition as i hjerd them doing things and yelled were goign on vaction u guys' get ur stuff. They glanced up for there bed and pulled the cover's over them slefs with the blanket as snake got off of her as i herd the nosie of snke pulling out of her. hannah cover her eye's as the ligth peek in the tent. as i wlake dover to there bed side and riped there blanket off to find hannah hafe naked and snake just in hsi boxers. come on guys i siad as i riped hannah out the bed by the arm. as joker ran out the tent at the sight of her brest. ouch that hurts she whined it probly don't hurt as much as ur hips i replied. she looked at me as she grabed her bra how did u know that she said in shock. ihananh it was ovesious i said as i cliped the back of her bra. Joker it's safe to come in i yelled. i turned around and pointed at snake and gave him the evil eye now u get dress is said in a harsh tone. he jsut looked at me liek what the fuck am i supsoed to lisen to u. i jsut standed there for awhile and pointed at him and yell fine is see it is and turned back to hannah. u guy's have a hafe an hour to pack i said as i grabed joker and leve the tent and peeped my head back in and gave snake the evil eye and pointed as i slowly borught my head back out side. as i began to wwalk joker run's after me and walk's beside me now to get dagger i said looking at him. as we walk to the training tent i run ahead and ran intot he large tent and searched for dagger. once i found him i ran up to him and grabed his shoulder's and shook him. what's the matter he said as i finaly stoped shaking him. i looked in hsi face and said weregoining on vaction u have a hafe an hour to pack i said. he looked at me and asked were are we goign i looked at him and told him were going 2 the beech with a smile. as joker finaly caugth up with me dagger looked at him and said why are we going to the beach. Why not he siad with his ussal smile as he fourced us in gorup hug as we made all dumb face. I glanced at dagger who was on Joker's other shoulder and said hanah and snake will be comeign with us. he looked at me with his hafe smiled and i glanced at him and asked what. he glanced at me as we broke out of the gorup hug as me and Joker looked at him. why do u think im in here he said. I silently laugh under my breath and siad i get it now. we i said i will talk to u larer u should go get pack i said as me and joker walked away back to our tent. when we arived back at our tent i had already began packing our stuff. i grbaed a week'ss worth of clothes and other miscalnius thing's. once we got every thing packed me and joker brougth all of our thiing' to teh carigage and palced then in the back. afetr that i headed back to hannah and snake's tent as joker went to dagger's. i barged in to see snake's bag of snake's over his shoulder and a regular luggage bag in teh other hand. as i moved my head to see hannah she had ahd to regular travle bag's probly filled with dumb objects. once they heaed out of there tent we all meet back at hte caraige as they packed ther thing's on the top of the buggy. i allowed snake Hannah and Dagger inside the the caraige as me and joker sat up front as the coach. after a whle we were on the road. after a long ride there we finaly mde it to a exluded beach and there sat a nice fany manor on a cliff 25 feet above the beach. and aroun the rest was thick wood's. once  we got out and streched it was already dark. as i grabed my thing's i took the key i had and opend the door and reached for the ligth's. with a flick of the switch the room lit up with a butiful gold glow for the up hanging candaler. once wwe steped in Snake Dagger and Joker were amzed by the butiful opeing hall that led to the lounge and to the butiful grnad stair case the split to the left and rigth under neath that was the hall to the dinning room. upstair's inclued 6 bed room's 3 bath's and 2 studies down stair's there was the lounge the dinnign room nad kitchen and to the left and rigth of the lounge were a enitetainment room and a family room. as i walked up the stair's i placed my hand on the wooden stair well and felt the fine crafted wood. once i got upstiar's i began to walk twor's the left as i flicked on the ligth switch wich revled a large hallway with room's on each side. i searched among the room's and found the master bed room i ran and jumpe on the bed and yelled to evryone and told tehm to fined there room's. i sat there as i hered everyone run up teh stair's. and one by one i herd tehm yell to claim there room's. once joker found the room i was in he jumped on the bed i hav't seen anything liek this i though farther's manor was big but then i saw this he sid as his big pupil's looked into my eye's.  I broke the gaze and looked on the bed and place my hand on his and looked back up at him so what are we doing are we going 2 have a small diner or a big brekfest tommorow i said changing the topic ( the last one lead's to another thing ). oh yha that's right yer did't eat breakfest this morning he aid pulling me off the bed. as we walked out the room the other's peeped there room's and followed. i take it ur hungry to u guy's i siad as they smirked. as we made our way down the stair's i stummble due to my hip's but i saved my self by falling on joker's shoulder. he glanced at me and griped up my hand. once we all made it to the dinning room we all sat there and looked at each other and asked who's cooking. we all sat for awhile and at the same time we all pointed tword's joker. he looked at us and said why ye guy's chosse me ! he said. i stood up and said i would help as i walked over to his side. u guy's are dismissed till diner is done u may go to your room's or any other room in this house i said as i turned to joker. as we walked to the kitchen evet one had already left the dinning room. once we got inside i shut the door and looked in the panitry and garbed some thing's to cook with. joker stood beside me and asked me what we were cooking. i looked up at him and said how am i suposted to know. well then he said what do we have to work with he said.\ as he looked at what i ahd put out on the table. ok we need some type of meat veggtable's, drink's, and desert he said. how about some stake i said as i went into the meat locker and hacked some of the cow of with a clever. once i brougth the steak's back joker had already had poetatoes baking in the oven, brocolie steming, and he was making bread doe. i was surpized to see him take such interest in cooking. i placed teh steak's on the counter and alowed tehm to rest. i washed my hand's and began to brew some tea after that i fliped the poetaotoe's. i was  called over to help joker rool the bread into roll's. i griped up some of the doe and made it into a make shift roll shape. joker looked at me and said that an't how u do it he siad as he came be hind me and grabbed my arm's and showed me how to do it with my arm's for some reasson. after we had finished them we put them in the oven and removed the poetoatoe's and brociolie. as i put the stake's in i could smell them as they cooked. as we allowed them to cook. me and joker set up hte table by the time we were done the food was done. after we brougth it out ot hte table we called everyone down to eat with us. as i sat on the end of the table joker sat next to me at the corner on the other side of me was hannah and snake and next to joker was dagger. they all looked cunfused by they way the meal was set up but me hannah and joker sat and ate . i begn with cutting my steak and preparing my poetatoe. after i had finished that i had ate the rest of  my veglable and ate some bread. i looked at joker and siad that it was good had thanked him for allwoing me to help him. he smiled and finished eating along with the rest.a s we had piled our dishes into the sink. we all dubed hannah and snake in charge of washing hte dishes. hwy do i have to hannah wined as snake had already began. jsut go help him i said then u guys can go to u room i said as i wraped my self around joker's arm. once we made if to our room i walked around exploring our room as joker sat on the bed. i took notice in him not being him slef so i walked up and sat on the bed next to him and palce my head on his shoulder. i whiser into his ear what is bothring u. he turned his face looking down at me there's been something i have had on my mind and i think we should talk about it he said. i got off his shoulder nad higged him tigthly u can tell me anything i said. haley lisen i don't know ur opion on this but i want to tel u that i want to have child he said. i have been thinking about it for awhile now he said. i think i would have been gone and know that no one would be missing me or that no one wolud notice even that i was gone but i wnat to bring something into this world that would remind peole of me he said shyly. i looked over at him and hugged him tigly and tar;s cam to my eye's is that really how u feel i said. he nodded ok then well i also have something i need to tell u i said. He looked at me and waited for me to speak. i swaloed some of my spit and began. uknow how i went back to ciel's manor like a week ago well sebastian told me something i did't tell u i said. he glanced at me cunfused. he told me that i was preagent and that it is going to be a little girl i said. his eye's widend as he hugged me tigthly. as i hugged him back as we sat in silence for awhile. why did't u tell me and how many mounth's are u in  he said. i did't tell u beacue i did't know how u would react and i cold find teh rigth time too and this child is form the first time we had sex witch was 6 mounth's ago. what he said in suprized breakng the hug. why hav't i noticed a diffrence in u he said. i chosse to hide it i said. show me he said. i stood up and revled my belly to him. he aproched me and stood behind me and place his hand's under my belly and  comforeted me. dose hannah know he said.i replied  not that im aware of and im going to be due soon anyway. he looked shocked and let go of me. i hid the child again and sat on the bed. he sat next to me and hugged me well i think this is enouh confession's for todya he said as i crawled on my side of the bed as he turned of teh lgith's and crawled back in bed. that night i just curlled up with him as we wraped our arm's around each other.

This is what i dream of ( black butler joker x oc)Where stories live. Discover now