What Now

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(a/n) for this chapter im just doing random crap  cus im bored rigth now sorry for not updateing :/

   When i awoke the next morning i found joker curled up with all the blanket's. i just gaev a scrolled look at his sleeping body and got out of bed trying not to wake joker mostly because he look so peacefull in his sleep. as i slowly crept towards the vanity. i could see my breath in the chill moring air. i stood beside in front of the vainy and began taking of my nigth goan and reach for my bra tehn next thing i know joker's behind me and he wrap's his arm around my body. Your cold he whispered into my ear. teh words made me jsut want to let my body drop but i still stood. I wonder why if u took all the blanket's last nigth i said sarcastiacly. He smirked showing his fang as he beagan moving his hand's closer up my body ( im still undressed ). i herd the nosie of his prosetic expecting the touch of him. he slowy place both of his hand under my brest. at least ur not all cold he said and he griped them tigthly. Sooner or later my leg's gave out from under me as joker stood me back up he pciked me up and place me on the bed and hoverd over my cold body. i saw as as our breaths interwined. he took his skeltal hand and pointed and dragged his finger down the side of my body giving me more chill's. what's ur problem today i sadi as i glanced up at him. but befor he responed a nosie in the corner captured our attion. as we glanced over in unision we saw Dagger standing there with his fake smile waving at us. Sorry if i was disturbing somethign boss he said shyly. joker stood up and threw a blnaket over me and walke dover to meet dagger. at this point  had no clue what he would do. he glanced t me and took dagger outside the tent. I could maek out there shadow's on the wall of the tent  i quicky threw a shirt on and creot over to were they were this time i did't lean on the tent wall. i herd dagger's voice in panic and joker's mild tone but i coud't make out word tehn i herd dagger yell miss beast is missing. what joker said in shock. joker glanced down and saw my shadow on the wall and grab dagger's arm and pulled him in the tent again. i stood up fast and walked over to greet them with a fake smile. Dagger's voice was in panic miss beast is missing he said not knowing i had already herd. What shall we do joker dagger said as our eye's meet joker's gaze. If she wanted to leave she can he said were not going to fource her to do what she don't want to do he said in a firm voice. We have to do something Dagger  pleded in sadness giving the pupy dog look at joker. there's noting we can do joker said. Dagger i said as i looked at him did u cheeck her tent for any note or anything. Why no but i will check he said as he bolted out of the tent. What should we do as i walked twords joker and wraped my arms around him for comfert. But he shoved me off surpizingly. i walked back and glanced up at him in shock. i just grabed my coat and scarf and left the tent to go find dagger. on my way to beast tent. i found him heading back tword's our tent. i grabbed him and asked if he found anything. he just looked t me witha sorow face. listen joker won't help us so we will have 2 find her our self's. he looked at me and made a weird face. i grabbed his arm and dragged him with me. once we got walking in sync i let go of him. Miss haley were are we going Dagger said as we aproched snake's tent. But befor i could enter joker came runing ove to us. I just gave him the scrolleded look and walked into the tent as i shoved him aside. his face was devestaed. once i enter teh tnet i saw all of snake's and in teh corner i saw him and hannah siting next to each other. I walked closer and stood beside them. snake did any of ur snakes see anythng last nigth about beast. Once i said that all of tehm began hissing. after they got quite snake glance back up at me and Dagger. One of his snake's slither on the ground and touched Dagger he let out a lund scream and darted out of the tent. i glanced back him and laughed under my breath. i glanced back at snake who said None of my snake's seen anything in a faint whisper trying to make it sound unclear. i stood up and thanked him for the nto so helpful help nad took my leave. i could't find dagger. so i countued to walk around to investgate more. as i explored many places i hav't been i did't find anything supicus. it look's like she gone i thougth to my self. i walked over to the tent were they kept the animal's. i turned into a tiger and curled up against betty as we grommed each other. finaly i feel a sleep curled up in the tiger's fluffy mane. when i awoke i found joker looking at me outside the cage. i just glanced at him and curled back up aagian with betty faceing the opiste way of him. why did u start looking for her in the first place he said. i twitched my ear and tuned to normal. still laying on betty beacuse if i did't people would acuse me of her death and beside we may have never got along but it's teh rigth think to do. i said hideing my face im betty mane. she knocked me over with her big paw's and layed atop of me. i pulled my arm out form underneth her and stroked he mane makeing her purrr. wiat how do u know she is dead joker said in shock. i just do i said. he made that face and changed the subject u are pretty good with the cat'swhy don't u try takeing her place he said shyly. She an't comeing back so i will give it a try. once i said that betty's ear's pirked u and she licked my face with her big pink tounge. i smiled at her as joker walked away. he turned back in my direction. Im sorry for shoving u earlier  if thing an't working out just tell me and i can get u ur own tent he said and walked away. my face was in shock as betty got of me as i sat there and wounder why he thougth that. i sat next ot betty and sobed in her mane as she wraped her tail around me in comfurt. i sat there for awhile till i decied to leave i put betty on a leash and took ehr with me. as i walked twords joker's tent i noticed people were setting another tent. i hoped it was't for me and countued walkng as betty came cloer to me and rubbed agaist my leg i reached don to pet her. when we finaly got to joker's tent i saw him there waiting for me outside of his tent. i ahev u set up anotehr tent he siad i had all of ur stuff moved there allready he said and pointed ot the now fished tent. thank  i said as  tuened away and slightly creyd among my self. once i ener i allowed betty to roam freely among my stuff. i sat on my bed and cryed loudly. i looked oevr to find a thing of strawberries and a note. i picked it up as betty jumped onto my bed and rubbed her face agaist my body. ~ dear hale im sorry to have kicked u out but it was for the best ur freind joker ~ once i read it i cryed into betty mane. she rubebd her self into me as i hugged her tigtly. i decide if i was going to have my own tent i better decorate it the way i want. i told betty to stay here till i came back. when i returned i brougth back a lion to protect my tent. she was young and had a golden coat i nemed it leo the lion ( XD ). i allowed it to potrol it new space as i too to it nicey. i went back to my bed a cuddled next to beety looking at the strwaberries he had left. how could he just think we could be freinds i though after all the sex and emotional crap. ahh i though over and over and tried ot go to bed but i was over thinking and it cept me up. at this point i was crying with mt eye's closed then i herd leo growl at something i got up fast and made my way twords the door. there i saw joekr looking alert at my new lion. i wiped the tears of my face while looking at him and allowed him to come inside. what do u want i said sharply. I came to talk to u he said taking a seat in a chair i had setup earlyier. what up with the animal's he said tyring to change the subject. i glanced over and saw the swet on his face. i don't want any body comeing in here to harm me or anything i said wlaking past him. oh he said quiely. after a while of silent's i went back to me bed and layed next to beety again. It look's nice  iwhish u could set up my tent like that eh said trying to make me in a beeter mood. oh i could i said as i got up and walked over to him now what's the real reason u came here i said leaning over the table he sat next to and put my face to his now why don't u tell me i said. His face was in panic but he was trying to hide it i could smell the fear on himas i walked away andsat next to betty. he did't talk for awhile he jsut stood ther in silence fro awhile till i said something u know i will try not to bite i said laying on my bed in a sexual postion next to betty. i grew a tail and ear's and gave my self some claw's i brougth my hand closer to the strap that help up my shirt and cut it. opp's i said getting his attion. he looked at me surpirzed to see me with my new featurs. i opend my mouth to yawn and realved fang's that poped ou rigth befor his eye's. i took my tail and rubbed it agaist my face. griped up the bed andmeaged it with my claw's. i removed my claw's and clawed the curtian next to my bed making a giant rip noise witch got his attion again. i looked at him gaining eye contact and whne i blinked i change my eye color to a blood red color. i smirked and revled both my fang's. i stood up and leaned on the curtain i just riped then cutt the other strap to my shit reavlign my bra. oh such a same i said i like this shirt. i walked over to him as he sat in silence. i plce my tail under his chin and griped it up and pulled his head so that our gaze's meet. i smirked as he looked into my blood red eye's. what did u do to ur self he said. oh this this is just a little part of what my ture from is i aid whipering into his ear. i let go of his face and turned around. i told u i am a demon after all why not hsow u what i really am i said and i turned back around and smirked. i took my cape from around my shoulder's and brougth it over my face as i change my eye's to cat like eye's my ear's grew longer as my huma one's shrank. and were cover my my short black hair. as i lowerd my cape to my body still covering my face. my body changed into a slender fourm and my leg strched revling my cat like face to him. my tail became slender but longer and thick. and fianly my claw's grew larger. i let go of the cape reavling my true form as i smirked again rvaeling my razor sharp fang's to him. i moved my tail back and forth the sound of it waving was creepy i made my tail crack liek a whip twords him as i walked closer to him. i looked into his eye's with me blood curling eye's i can tell ur scared i whisperd  taking my claw's and placing them on my knee's and slowy bringing them up to my body as the riped through my clothing with the sligthest touch. oh my dear i said as i brough our face together. at this point i could't read his expresion's. i took my tail and brough it undr his chin as i looked into his eye's. if u never love me why did u do those thing i said. fianly he said something i alway's loved u haley he said touching my face. then why did u kick me out i said removing my tail from his face. it though that's what u wanted he said looking at the ground but... he said droping it. i turned around and changed back to my noraml forum and crouched down next to him but what whisperd. out of no were he griped up my face and brougth it closer to mine. as he looked into my eye's our breath was heavy and we could our self's breathing. finaly the fake gravity slowly pulled ourt lip's together. i wanted to pull out and slap him but my body would';t let me. as our tounge's touched each other's it sent singal's to my crouch. once we pulled out for breath i looked up at him in silence. as my gaze meet his clear blue eye's. his hand slowly touched my face as i pulled my head away but i still stared at him not lossing eye contact. i re grew my tail and rubbed his leg getting his attion away form our gaze. i glance up at him and removed what i ahd left of my clothing revleing my skin. i sat there looking at the ground im a pile of riped clothing. he looked down at me and getting out from his seat and sat next to me wraping his arm's around my body. i glance at him with my warm but shy gaze. we sat there for a while as nothng was said. slowly we began to fall sleep and befor i knew if we were both passed out.

This is what i dream of ( black butler joker x oc)Where stories live. Discover now