Chapter 4, a secret shared

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Cammi's POV 

They were so nice, all of them, and my shyness kinda dissapeared. Good for me! When Stormie told us that it was dinner time, Rydel asked me if I liked pizza. I just smiled, and said "I eat everything, as long as it's food!". "Haha, you're just like Ross!" she said, and my heart melted. But not because I was in love with him. Cause I wasn't. I don't really know why I felt that way.

I sat in between Ross and Rydel. I only ate one slice, because I wasn't used to eating much. I had practically been starving myself since she died, so I was really stuffed after that one slice. "You're not gonna eat more?!" Rydel asked, and I said "No thanks, I'm not so hungry" and smiled to her.

That evening, when we were going to bed, I said "Ehm, Rydel? Can I tell you something really personal?". "Of course you can!" she said with a big smile. "Well, I kind of have these nightmares all the time, and I scream. Really loudly. Just to warn you," I said, and looked down. "It's ok," she smiled, and we went to bed. I was really tired, so I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

I had the same nightmare, not surprising. And I guess i screamed too, cause I got woken up by Rydel shaking me. "Are you alright, Cammi?" she asked, worry in her eyes. I nodded. "Sorry I woke you up," I said, but she told me that it didn't matter. "What was the nightmare about?" she asked, and I looked down. "No offense, but I really don't wanna talk about it," I said. "Ok, but remember that I'll listen if you want to talk about it. Just think of me as a sister!" she said, and got back to her own bed. I didn't sleep for the rest of that night, I was too embarrassed.

When I woke up the next day, I was really nervous. I was gonna show everyone that I could sing, and play all the instruments I had brought. It went really well, despite all the nerves I had. And Ross really liked my yellow electric guitar!

They asked me to do one of my earlier covers, so I played "The A Team" by Ed Sheeran on my acoustic guitar, and "Paradise" by Coldplay on keyboard. I think they were kinda impressed, and I was really happy!!

The week went by, and I had nightmares every night. One of the nights I woke up, Rydel, Riker, Ross, Ryland and Rocky stood there. "I'm sorry" I said, hiding my face in my pillow. "It's ok, but why do you have all these nightmares?" Ross asked, and sat down on the bed beside me. Should I tell them? I mean I definitely should, as I was waking them up every single night. "Ehm, can you keep a secret?" I asked, and they nodded. I didn't really know how to tell them, so I just said "I got shot,"

Everyone became silent, and Rydel gasped. "You what?!" Ross asked, and placed his hand on my shoulder. "I got shot," I said again, and they all looked terrified. "Where? When?" Rydel asked, and sat down on the other side of me. "A month ago," I answered, and showed them my ankle. It was a big scar on it, where the bullet hit me. They all gasped again. "Are you ok?" Ross asked, and hugged me. "Yeah..." I answered, i wasn't really ok. My ankle didn't hurt anymore, but i wasn't the only one that got shot. "I haven't really told anyone about it, myself" I whispered, I felt the tears come. "Is that why you have those nightmares?" Rocky asked, and I nodded. It was part of why I had nightmares. "But it's not the only reason, is it?" Rydel said, like she was reading my mind. I shook my head. "You don't have to tell us if you don't-" Riker started, but I cut him off. I needed to get it out "My best friend got killed, and there was nothing I could do about it," I said and started crying. Nice one, Cammi! Now they probably think you're that girl that cries for everything! But I couldn't do anything about it, the tears just came flooding. Ross hugged me really tight, and Rydel stroked my back. I think they were speechless, I would have been speechless if someone told me a story like that in the middle of the night. "I have the same nightmare every single night, and it's just like I'm there again, and it's all happening. Except I know that she's gonna die and there's nothing I can do about it,"

But I had finally managed to do it. Tell someone about it. I felt that it was the right thing to do. "Sorry," I laughed a bit, when I finished crying. Suddenly Ross said "Boys! Come with me, I have an idea!". They all went out of the room, without telling me or Rydel anything. "You ok?" she asked, and I nodded. "It was nice to tell someone I trust. I haven't talked about it with anyone before," I said, and smiled. The boys came in with lots of pillows and blankets. "Guess who's sleeping in here with you tonight!" Riker said, and me and Rydel started laughing. They all spread out over the floor, Ross layed down right beside my bed.

Everyone fell asleep except for me. I wasn't scared, but I just couldn't fall asleep. I turned around, and I saw that Ross was awake too. "Can't sleep either?" He asked, and I shook my head. "Sorry I woke you up in the middle of the night," I said again, but he smiled at me. "That's not why I'm awake. Well I guess it kind of is, but I would've woken up early anyway. You have nothing to be sorry for. I'm just really looking forward to tomorrow. I have the lead role in a new disney show, Austin & Ally!" He said "And we start taping tomorrow! You can come if you want, everyone else is going to be there". "So cool! Of course I'll come!" I answered, it'll be a lot of fun!

"So...ehm...since we both can't sleep, maybe we should get to know eachother better! What's your favorite color?" He asked, and I answered "Yellow. And pink!". "Mine is yellow too! Favorite number?" "48" I said. "48? Why?" He asked. "Because...I don't really know" I said. I didn't really know why it was my favorite number, it had just always appealed to me, in some kind of strange way. "Your favorite number then?" I asked. "32. It was my first hockey number, and if you add them together, it makes 5!" Ross answered. "Nice explanation, sir," I joked, and we fistbumped. "You're cool, Cammi. I've never met another girl that is so cool around guys like us!" He said. "What do you mean, 'guys like us'?" I asked. "You know, we are quite good looking,". I started laughing into my pillow, not to wake the others. "You know, you have the same laugh as me," He said, and smiled. "I have?" "Yeah". Silence. Then we both started laughing into our pillows. And he was right. We had the same laugh. "Shut the hell up you two," Someone said from under their blanket, I think it was either Riker or Ryland. That only caused me and Ross to get another laughing fit.

When we were done laughing, I said "You're really nice, we're like friends now, right?" He smiled at me. "Of course! And I'm sorry about your best friend" he said, and looked really sorry. "It's ok, I just miss her a lot." I said, and smiled back.

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