Chapter 3, the travel

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Camilla's POV 

The rest of the time went by really fast, and suddenly I was on the plane, on my way to LA. I didn't want to sleep, cause I always scream when i have nightmares. And I was on a plane. Full of people. So I stayed awake the whole time. That was quite an achievement, the flight was about 11 hours long.

I couldn't wait to get there, but what if they didn't like me? What if Ross didn't like me? Then this would be two awkward years. What if they weren't nice? I mean, I didn't really think they weren't nice. What if I was too shy to even talk to them? I always get shy around people I've just met, and words kind of get stuck in my throat.

When the plane wheels hit the ground, I had thousands of butterflies in my stomach. It felt like the butterflies were freaking partying in there. Mark and Stormie were supposed to meet me at the airport, but LAX is a BIG airport! And me, being me, got kinda lost. But eventually I found them. "Welcome to LA!" Stormie said, and gave me a big hug. I couldn't do anything but smile, they were just so nice!

After we had picked up my luggage (which was ALOT!) We drove to the place that would be my home for the next two years. It was so surreal to see their house in real life, 'cause I had only seen it in videos they had posted. 

When we parked in the driveway and got out of the car, the door flung open, and Rydel came squealing out. "You're here, You're here!" she giggled, and gave me a big hug. That was kinda a dream coming true, she was my role model! "You'll live in my room, with me!" she said, and we took all my luggage to her/our room. It was a really nice room with *ahem* a lot of pink. But that didn't matter. I loved pink, besides yellow that was my favourite color! "Are you tired? Or do you wanna meet the boys and take a swim in our pool?" she asked, and I answered that I would love to meet the others, and go into the pool.

She showed me where the bathroom was, so I could change. I changed into my yellow and pink striped bikini, and went out with her.

The boys weren't there, so we jumped into the pool. After a while we got up, and layed down in some beach chairs to tan. "It's so hot here!" We suddenly heard Ryland say, and Rocky answered "Sorry bro, my fault" and I could literally hear the cheekiness in his voice. "Guys, come and meet Camilla!" I heard Rydel say, and I stood up from the chair. They checked me out, both of them, before they realised who I was. "Oh, you're the new member!" Rocky said and gave me a hug. Ryland gave me one too, but I don't think he knew his own strength. He practically crushed me, before I heard Riker's voice "Hey dude, don't kill her, I want to meet her too!". OMG, did Riker Lynch just say he wanted to meet me?! "Sorry," Ryland mumbled, and I smiled to him. "Hi I'm Riker, but you probably know already," He said, and I blushed a little. He gave me a hug, and Rocky asked "Can you do any tricks from the diving board, Camilla?". "You can just call me Cammi, all my friends do that. And yeah, I guess I can do some tricks," I answered, watching the ground. Stupid shyness.

"Show us, we can have a contest!" Riker said, and started to wet his hair. I was about to ask why, but of course i knew it! Or else it would turn lime green! Rydel found the video camera, and started filming. Rocky was first, and he did some crazy spinning stuff. Then it was me. What should I do? I was really good at this, so I actually knew what I could do. I ran, jumped, and took two saltos, and dived into the water. When I appeared to the surface everyone looked at me with their mouths open. "What?" I mumbled and started to blush again. Great. Now I probably looked like a tomato. "Wow, You're really good!" Rydel said, and smiled. Then it Was Riker's turn. He did a really cool kind of flip, but I won! It was kinda fun, they were all really fun! But Ross hadn't shown up yet, which made me kinda sad, but he had to show up sooner or later!

Eventually we had a water gun fight. We all spread, and I ended up alone in the garden, 'cause I had no idea where to go! So I just stayed where I was, ready to splash someone in the face with my water gun. I heard footsteps behind me, and twirled around, ready to shoot. "Don't shoot! I come in peace!" Ross said. That voice. OMG, He stood just about 50 centimeters from me, in only his swimming trunks. His eyes widened when he saw me, but only for a second. Then he looked at me with those mesmerizing hazel-eyes, and said "Hi, you must be Camilla, right?" I nodded, and he flashed me one of his gorgeous smiles.

Ross' POV 

Wow. That was all I could think. She looked even more beautiful than she had looked in her covers on YouTube, and I didn't think that was possible! Her skin was kinda pale, but she lived in Norway, isn't it cold there like, all year? She had sparkling blue eyes, some freckles on her nose, and the cutest dimples I've ever seen! Her hair were kinda the same as Rydel's hair, but Cammi's hair was chocolate brown. She smiled back to me, and I noticed her lips were light pink. "You can just call me Cammi, everyone does that," she said, and her cheeks turned light pink while she looked at the ground. "Well, it's really nice to meet you, Cammi!" I said with all the entusiasm I had, and she giggled. That was the cutest little giggle I've ever heard. I was about to give her a hug, when Riker yelled "Water fight!" and I was suddenly soaking wet from my head to my toes. "Thanks for that one, bro," I told him sarcastically, and he replied with "Anytime" and a huge grin on his face. 

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