The Middle of Everything

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Phinks looked down at his phone, thinking to himself about how sick he was of this situation.

"Hel—" He was cut off instantly. Grumbling he threw the phone at Gon.

"...Yeah. They're here." He confirmed as he threw the phone back at a high speed.

"We'll do what you say. Pakunoda and the hostages are heading over now." As he hung up the phone, he took a hard seat down. He was upset.

"I want to go." You finally found your voice. "I should be able to, I'm not part of the Troupe. His promise should still allow that, am I right... Gon, was it?"

He nodded at you. He might have wondered how you were able to be around this crew, but he didn't think you meant to be evil.

"Can I go with you Pakunoda?  Please?" You looked up at her, to see her nodding. "I probably should just stay around him anyway... I'd hate to be a bother to any of you. Plus... He said he'd train me. And I'm excited about it."

"Train you?" Feitan asked. "We could train you. We best at nen."

You giggled at him, surprising the short, dark, man.

"Chrollo probably wouldn't like that. He'll be lonely without you all anyway. I'll keep him company for you. So what do you say?"

You looked around and noticed everyone nodded solemnly. Flattered that you thought that Danchou would miss them, no one wanted to reject your wish.

Pakunoda jerked her head forward and she, with the two boys, began walking.

You wanted to talk to Pakunoda, and talk to the boys, but no one was in the mood. You were happy to know how much the Troupe cared for Chrollo and it helped you to understand why he was so upset that his friend, Uvogin, had been killed.

But most of all, you really did want to meet this chain user who was terrorizing your lover and his friends. Placing your hands across your abdomen, your injuries were still tender. Ruefully, you wondered what Chrollo would do when he saw the slices in your clothes and the stitches on your belly. You partially hoped he would kill everyone around him, but in complete honesty, you didn't want him to kill anyone at all. Death followed you around like a shadow and you were honestly getting tired of it.

It was still raining and you were also a little bit upset that you were getting soaking wet. There was nothing worse to you than wet shoes and socks. With each step you heard the uncomfortable squelch of water being forced out of your shoes.

Of course we would have shitty weather for this shitty situation. Never could we do this all on a nice, sunny afternoon. Nope. Middle of the fucking night, middle of the fucking thunderstorm in the middle of fucking nowhere. You grouched to yourself. He better make it up to me. I'm freezing cold and all wet and uncomfortable and I'm sure it's no good for my injuries. Or my psy—

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