The Not Great Idea

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"I swear to God I just got a text from the clown himself." Chrollo gave you his phone as he handed the cashier his black credit card.

"Found you an exorcist already, little heart, ready to fight me?" You read out loud. "What does that mean?"

"I guess that means he knows how to follow orders. Read the message above it."

"I heard that Greed Island the video game has a nen exorcist in it that might be able to get the chain off of my heart. Find them and I will promise you a fight." You gave Chrollo a funny look. "Why would you promise him that?"

"I want my Troupe back. Why else?" He gave you a funny look right back. "Why do you think?"

"Guess that makes sense." You shrugged.

"Send that purchase to the 300th floor of Heaven's Arena." He commanded the cashier as he accepted his card back. "Thanks."

He took your hand and directed you out of the building once again.

"Let's go to the bakery. I would like a cupcake."

"Big bad Chrollo wants a cupcake? What? Like strawberry with a little bow on top?" You giggled at him uncontrollably.

"Shut the fuck up, why can't I want a cupcake?"

"I don't know, do you want a skirt with it too?"

"I fucking could, if I fucking wanted to and I'd be fucking comfortable with it too." He looked down at you. "I'm sexy as hell and I know it and you know and everyone around me knows it. You can't emasculate me if you tried, cunt."

"And you can't use my feminine body parts to insult me if you tried, dick." you tripped him and ran away quickly as he stumbled in his vulnerable state, laughing all the while.

"I fucking hate you so much!" He yelled as he stood back up dusting the dirt off of his pants.

"Yeah, like I'll ever believe that!" You called back, running who knows where.

"Come back!" Worry began to lace his voice as he lost sight of you, but the drug blinded you too much to remind you to stay close. So as you laughed and ran, you didn't remember to look where you were going and soon enough you were in a part of town that was unfamiliar. Technically all of town was unfamiliar.

And you had no idea where Chrollo was.

"Uh...Chrollo?" You looked around you. "Chrollo?!" The man in question was doing the same thing. But without his nen, he was practically useless. And he knew you didn't have a cell yet either. So he was out of luck. "CHROLLO!" You were screaming at this point. You mind was blanking, but you tried to remain calm. What could you do? What would a not-high person do? Stay put. Chrollo will come and find you. You nodded to yourself. That sounded like an okay idea for the moment, right?

Unfortunately, to Chrollo, that sounded like a good idea to him as well. Stay put. Hana will come and find you. He nodded to himself. That sounded like an okay idea for the moment, right?

It was not a good idea. And it wasted at least a few hours. And then, it was dark.

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