The Desire

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As you got within about 3 meters, the woman dancing on him was shoved forward with a yelp. Indignantly, she rubbed her knees and skulked away to Phinks' open lap.

As soon as you were within arms reach, Chrollo's hand shot out and grabbed the front of your shirt. Tumbling into his lap, you relished the feeling of your body touching his. You were pretty intoxicated by now, but you realized that he really had meant what he said. He was definitely addicted to you, just like any other drug. "You wore this outfit just for me, didn't you?" He muttered as he played around with the cross necklace that hung from your neck. You weren't quite sure what he meant; you were wearing a long sleeve black shirt, a black skirt and black shoes and socks. Your hair was decorated with a headband with black flowers. It wasn't very special. "I like my crosses upside-down, you know."

"Do you ever get hot in this fuzzy jacket?" You asked boldly.

"That's why I don't wear anything underneath. Do you have anything underneath?" He asked naughtily. Some of the Troupe were watching him, but he didn't care. He didn't give a fuck about anything on E.

"Hold this for me." He handed you his joint and you took a hit. "I said hold it not smoke it." He laughed as his hands wandered up the back of your thighs. You giggled wildly as his fingers tickled your skin.

"Are you tired?" You asked him as you bounced your legs up and down, feeling his hands on your bare skin. You weren't wearing anything underneath. "Because I'm literally anything but the word tired."

"I feel it. Why don't we put that energy to work?" He pulled his handkerchief out of his pocket and looked at your face. Even if you had said that you weren't tired, you were definitely sweating. He didn't want you to dehydrate. "Kortopi. Water."  Suddenly, a bottle of water was soaring through the air, landing right in Chrollo's hand. You turned your head around to see a head that was almost entirely hair.

"Weird looking." You giggled to Chrollo as you puffed on his joint again.

"Bad? Drink this. You're going to need it." He opened it for you and presented the bottle to your lips. As you reached out to take it from him, he pulled it away. "Nu-uh, I'll give it to you. Open your lips and tilt your head up."

"Nooo, you'll drown me!" You laughed even louder, declaring your distrust.

"Be a good girl, Hana. Then I'll tie your eyes up and let you ride off that extra energy." Chrollo was getting excited again. "I could fuck you all day, you know."

"Fine, fine, fine. Ahhhhn~" You tilted your head up and opened your mouth. Carefully, Chrollo drizzled the water into your mouth. Despite your best abilities however, water ran down your chin and neck. You looked delectable, and Chrollo decided he was done waiting. Round two was going to come sooner rather than later. He took a swig of the water, tightened the cap back on and set it down on the floor near him.

"Alright sweetheart, you better get ready to feel the best you ever have."

"Yeah, can you give that to me, Master~?" You giggled and ran your hands down his chest, joint still between your finger tips. "Pretty please?"

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